Anti CC Warriors, as you probably have seen and heard by now, we’ve been given a super opportunity this weekend! What’s that? The opportunity to storm D.C. with as many ‘truth nuggets’ about Common Core and all its overreaching components! We’re not done yet, so don’t put down your computers. We’ve got 3 more days before the Senate meets again. Yes, call, email, text, or tweet today (Saturday), Sunday, and Monday. When the Senate adjourned Thursday evening, it was stated they’d meet again 3 pm, July 13th.
Below find some anti CCSS outrage you can use, from some of my previously published articles, if you like.
“Here’s, my version, of the pledge you’ve (the CCSS Machine) sacrificed us all for:“I pledge my allegiance to the Core and to the deterioration for which it exists. I have pledged my support to the degrading of my people which CCSS ensues. That being one way to learn, for all, indivisible and rigor for all.” “
“We’ve ONE ‘shot’ to make our voices heard. We’ve ONE opportunity to expose our Congress members to the TOTAL array of CCSS/CTE issues laced in ALL the education proposed legislation. We’ve not time to pick and choose parts of CCSS/CTE to hold on to, or to see improved. Common Core/Career and Tech Education is ALL illegally based, untested, not educator based, and UNACCEPTABLE!”
“STEM and Career Pathways connect to Common Core? Two documents, my fellow warriors. First, the PCAST document that is pre-2013 State of the Union address’s timeline, but is essential in tying STEM to Common Core as STEM being the agenda and CCSS being the vehicle of choice to deliver STEM to the masses of citizens.”
Below are some screen shots, memes, or JPEGS you can use, from my files, if you like.

This group has put together a brilliant campaign to help storm D.C., Warrior Style! Many of us, myself included, have used it over the past months, weeks, and days. I’ve had a personal conversation with one of the founders and the plan is simple. Use #PJENT/#STOPCOMMONCORE/#STOPECAA when you tweet anything. For example, if you’re creating your own messages to send to D.C. simply add those 3 handles.
Let’s say you don’t have that much time to create your own message. PJNET’s covered that base as well. Below is the link to the Action page where you simply click each Senator’s contact information and a random meme along with a fitting (also random) message goes instantly to D.C.!
As the person I spoke with stated, if 10 anti CCSS warriors tweet all 100 Senators (takes about 5 minutes), then that’s 1, 000 tweets. Now, we know we know at least 10 folks fighting to END Common Core, correct? Then challenge them to join in, if they haven’t! If you’ve got a friend and they think they don’t want CCSS, but aren’t sure, an activity like this, may be the final straw of truth to break the CCSS Machine’s lying backside!
Remember, we 3 days to post, share, and express as much outrage as possible to send the overall message that American citizens HATE the CCSS Machine!
Lastly, a big thanks to PJNET for choosing one of my original JPEGS to be included in their random message algorithm. It is an honor to have something included.