Anti CCSS Warriors, my last article was chock full of evidence about the massive amounts of data collection and a lifetime of our students being followed by the Common Core Standards/Career Tech Education overhaul. In response to that article, I had many readers alert me to OTHER similar programs. One such was the TQM (Total Quality Management) System. It appears that well before the “Common Follow Up” type privacy invader, the TQM was doing the same thing. I’ve been told there’s a person who is an expert in TQM. It is my goal to not only be in touch with the person, but to connect the dots they share with the ones already exposed by our long time education warriors, Charlotte Iserbyt and Anita Hoge.
Today, however, I’d like to share with you what I’ve been able to find out on my own.
The “Best Practice”:
So far, what I’ve found is the entire premise FOR the levels of data mining is based upon a Japanese model of business practices from back in the 1960s.
Before we precede to that theory, let me take a few minutes to remind you, that in education, “Best Practices” approaches are NOT educational in nature. “Best Practices” is a business term–all the way. It’s one of the ‘buzzwords’ the P3 (Public-Private Partnerships) portion of the CCSS Machine has incorporated into education. Proof?
“The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO).” As we’ve seen in several articles from several different sources in our War Against the Core, we’ve heard just HOW these ‘best practices’ over assess not only students, but our teachers as well. Here’s a brief video of just one of the CCSS Machine ‘best practices’ in the name of ‘quality’.
Want MORE ‘CCSS Best Practices’? Try this website, it’s slam full of step-by-step ones.
Want to see all the OTHER ‘Best Practices’ the NGA Center has? When you visit their website, you’ll see education is just one of the areas ‘best practices’ are used. In my researched opinion, not only has the federal government overstepped their authority by getting the into the education business, so have the corporations who are implementing business models where they do not (and should not) belong! See:

The Theory:
That theory from the 60s used in Japan? It was called “Theory Z”. A quick read on Theory Z (and Theories X and Y) can be found at:
Again, note that the website I am pointing you to is a BUSINESS one, not an EDUCATIONAL one! However, when we consider just how in bed business and labor are with education, it does makes sense WHY the CCSS/CTE agenda is to data mine our students (remember, by using BOTH the CCSS (which ensnares students from K-12) and the CTE (which ensnares students beyond 12th grade), no one who attends schools where these are taught will be safe!)
The Data Mining Track:
While most of us have learned about how invasive the data mining track is, some of us are learning just HOW long it’s been going on and how it’s part and parcel of each of the United States (and all its territories or jurisdictions). No matter if it was TQM, Theory Z, or is Common Core Follow Up: our students are being data mined in the name of the ‘workforce’! Here’s a screen shot with a resource you may find helpful:

Here’s another graphic which will easily tie the education and workforce agendas we’re seeing right now in America. You’ll also notice all the OTHER aspects of human life tied into the TQM/Theory Z/Common Follow Up models:
If you’d like the link:
I would strongly suggest you accessing this book. It is so full of need to know information!
Also worth reading, The NGA Center’s Report can be accessed (and, again, is full of modern day CCSS/CTE alignment via workforce data tracking): 1508TrackingGraduates
An example of how TQM and CTE are being used in our post-secondary educational institutions can be seen below. This is from a community college in CA. However, I found more of these from Michigan, Mississippi (where their “Common Follow Up System is called “Lifetracker”), and Iowa. Iowa’s evidence will follow the screen shot, as it’s very important you have this information.
Here’s an instructor’s syllabus from Iowa. When you open it, look at the past educational experience (will include TQM) and then look at the present position this instructor has.
You’ll also notice the on-line components each student must use. For instance, “Blackboard” is used. “Blackboard” is used in on-line courses (which can impact every age student). Here’s a research paper where “Blackboard’s” methods are being used for K-12 data mining. dataminingresearch
One last resource for you to have that will tie the previous article I wrote about the “Common Follow Up” System and Workforce Data mining. This website is for the Workforce Data Quality Campaign. A full survey of our United States has been taken and you can see the results for yourselves. What results? Ones like how more students can be counted by combining workforce data and student longitudinal systems; how ‘Career Pathways’ (another name for CTE) are being used as a set of ‘metrics’ to unite education and workforce; how more and more state and federal agencies will have access to your student’s data; and MUCH more! See:
Be sure to know that as soon as I can get in touch with the TQM expert, I’ll post a follow up article. But, until then, access all the links embedded in this article. Use them to help inform others! Use them to fight for our students and to DEFEAT the CCSS/CTE assault on our educational systems.