Image courtesy of RAF Automation.
It’s time for the Weekend News, my fellow anti CCSS Warriors. As you know, I’ve given you several fact based articles of how the CCSS Machine has expanded its domain into the post-secondary world. What’s interesting, is the post-secondary world includes all citizens, not just students. We’ve all read and seen others share similar information with the aligned communities. This weekend’s article is devoted to showing you how the U.S. Government is helping align our entire nation to all things Common Core through the re-authorization of the 1965 version of the HEA (Higher Education Act). Please note, that just this past week, I’ve provided you with evidence of how the HR5 and the S1177 are tied to the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act). It’s no secret that the CTE (Career Tech Education) is most definitely tied to the WIOA as well. So, it makes sense (if you want a totally aligned community) to embed as much as you can in the post-secondary educational choices, too.
Committee on Education and the Workforce:
According to one of the most recent Committee calendars, (9/16/15), the following bills are either in the wings waiting to advance or have already been turned into law. Each of the ones below will fit ‘beautifully’ into the CCSS Machine’s vision for totally aligned communities. Naturally, for those already law, the impact is being felt.
HR596, set to repeal parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it also repeals portions of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (2010). Look closely at the Health Care Ed Act, and you’ll find Medicaid funding, student loans, and how they intersect not only our schools, but our communities. As has been pointed out repeatedly with documented research, the embedded abuse of Medicaid in our schools is in both the HR5 and the S1177, it’s bound to be in the Higher Ed bills, too.
To see the text of HR596 (where you can access the Health Care Education Act, too):
As far as the Health Care “Career Clusters”, “Career Pathways”, or the”American Apprenticeships”, there are plenty of documents to attest to it in your state.
Here’s the “” ‘Health Care Career Clusters/Pathways to College and Career Readiness’: CCFrame-HealthScience
To learn more about the $175 million in state grants for the American Apprenticeships, see:
(*Note: you can find out more information about the AA (American Apprenticeships), see:
If you’d like to see a very well laid out graphic of how convoluted the healthcare (which includes education and workforce):

One more thing about HR596, it’s been sitting on the Senate’s calendar since Feb. 2015.
HR2028: Connects Workforce to the Army Corps of Engineers (The U.S.Army is 100% pro CCSS/CTE; see my articles: a)
(*Note: HR2029 is also a military related bill, however, this one will be more about the money used by the Dept. of Defense for bases, Vet Affairs. Both HR 2028 and 2029 are also on the Senate’s calendar.)
HR2604 has to do with Need Based Educational Funding amendment to the “Improving American Schools Act” (1994; IASA). It’s in the Improving Act, you’ll find how all this encompasses not only U.S. Citizens, but all the ‘aliens’ who’ve been admitted for permanent residence. To see the HR2604, and be linked to the IASA, see:
(*Note: this bill is not on the Senate’s calendar, but the Union’s calendar. This is a separate calendar the House of Reps holds, as per the U.S. Constitution’s Article 1.)
S1124, WIOA Technical Amendments Act (became law back in May 2015 and was sponsored by none other than Sen. Lamar Alexander. This law allows each state’s governor to increase workforce based/aligned programs (which include education) This law involves much more local alignment, too. Biggest targets? Adult workers who need more education or to be retrained. This law also stipulates that a huge portion of each state’s budget be devoted to the re-education of their workforce. See:
(*Note: This bill passed in the House without one objection to it! What does that tell an anti CCSS/CTE Warrior like you? It means that once again, all the House of Representative members didn’t stop the CCSS Machine here, just like they didn’t with the HR5’s passage!)
Also of note and related, the HR5 is in the Senate’s Chambers, as it has been since 07/2015.
Lastly, to see the entire HELP (the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee) hearing on the WIOA Technical Amendments as they pertain to the S1177 (Every Child Achieves Act), see:
I’m sure there are others on the Committee on Education and the Workforce’s calendar which can be tied to the overall alignment of our communities, but I want to focus on the other efforts we need to know about.
The U.S. Government’s ‘Workforce Web of Development’:
The graphic below is one of the biggest ‘tell all’ visuals I’ve seen yet. In this one, it ties 9 U.S. federal level agencies to the Workforce (and therefore the WIOA, HR5, S1177, and the upcoming HEA legislative moves, as well as many other bills and established laws.) This graphic is based off a comment the current U.S. President made during a State of the Union address.

Where did I find this ‘gem’? The U.S. House’s Committee on Education and Workforce!
Here’s another one that is absolute undeniable proof about the purposed alignment of our communities; the overreach of the CCSS into ever citizen’s life. You must open this one and share it with anyone who still doubts the all encompassing efforts of all those involved with Common Core, Career Tech Education, and every single connected entity! This is not just federal, this is local, this is in your backyard, anti CCSS/CTE warriors!
Wait, this says, “Skills Act”, what’s that? Is it new? (no, became a law in 2013). What does “Skills” stand for? “The Supporting Knowledge and Investing in Lifelong Skills”.
I’ll be following up with more on the Skills Act in Tuesday’s article, so be sure to read it. I’ll be able to connect it to the HR5, the S1177, the WIOA, and more.
Thank you!