New Day, Same Mission

Tech Thursdays


Welcome to the new Common Core Diva Facebook page, anti CCSS Warriors! No matter if you are a devoted, long time follower of mine OR you have recently learned about my research and writing, I want to thank you for making the transition with me from my personal page to one devoted to our mission. Most of us are not only against Common Core (aka: CCSS), but federally led education.

If you follow me (as the CC Diva) on Twitter, you may recognize the above picture. To find me on Twitter: @commoncorediva
To find the new Common Core Diva Facebook page (if you haven’t already):

It is my hope that by making the shift from my personal page to a more professional one, the recent bout of censorship will stop. Twitter, for now, seems to be not as censoring as Facebook.

So, What Will These Recent Changes Bring?

Frankly, not many. I will still write researched articles and share them nationally. I will still honor my blog schedule (see below). I will still be available for mentoring, answering tough questions, speaking with you, and sharing what you, too, have discovered about the CCSS Machine (as I have called it and will continue to do so). The one change I have presently:
When I do share my articles nationally, it will be with Common Core Diva Facebook page, not my own. I encourage any of your state wide anti CCSS groups to ‘like’ and follow the page, too. That way, they can share with others I do not have access to. (Naturally, the same will hold true for Twitter.)

My Blog Schedule Is:

1) Monday Musings (where I sometimes wax eloquent about education)
2) From the Files Tuesday (where I usually have at least one download worthy resource for your War Against the Core)
3) Wednesday is my Media Day. However, from time to time, I do bring back my Would You Believe It?! articles.
4) Tech Thursday articles (where I continue to expose the CCSS Machine beyond high school into post-secondary education and the working world of adults)
5) Fridays, more recently, have been used to write the ‘Weekend News’ (Saturday and Sunday’s in-depth articles which cover a plethora of anti CCSS need-to-know items)
6) Saturdays and Sundays  are usually divided up to share the in-depth Weekend News over as many social media platforms as I can.

Back by Demand?

Since much of what I do is to be of a service, to you, my Warriors.  I want to pose a question, IF you would like the following type of articles to return, I need to hear your voices.
When I first started my blog, it was a massive 7 day a week; brand new article daily schedule. While I loved every minute of it, I found that not only was I burning the candle a bit too brightly, but many of you felt overwhelmed. Please know that my passion as an anti CCSS Warrior is STILL just a bright.
However, life has changed greatly since I first began writing this blog and I either have not as much time or as much freedom (due to the health care role I am in with my Alzheimer parent).

So, IF you were to choose 1 of the following to bring back, please let me know. If there is a majority preference, it will be re-introduced. If there is no majority preference, I will take it that you are satisfied with the schedule above.

Fridays: formerly  Fib-o-Meter Fridays (deciphered the truth about the CCSS Machine and all that goes with it from all the fallacies it spun out)
(*Note: this would be a help to us, as Warriors, now that the CCSS Machine is pumping out tons of ESSA propaganda!) ESSA stands for Every Student Succeeds Act.

Saturdays: formerly Sic’ ‘Em Saturdays (these articles were full of practical action steps every anti CCSS Warrior could use and share with others not presently Warriors)

Sundays: formerly  Riddle Me This?! (these articles where full of either true life concerns shared by parents and educators from across the nation or a kind of ‘hey-y’all-watch-this’ episode from the CCSS Machine)

(*Note: I have incorporated a bit of the sassiness from all of these above into several of the current, daily articles.)


Thank you for your trust in what I do. Thank you for all the interviews, the requests for help, and the assurance that we are ALL in this together. I know our journey from here on will be full of adventure. I cannot think of a better group of Warriors to take each step with!

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