Warriors Against the Core, it’s a new week. It is getting closer to BTS (Back to School). It is also, according to NPR (National Public Radio), “Worm Week”. In my anti CCSS/ESSA/Fed Ed mindset, it is also a good time to look at the ‘biggest worms’ in the illegally based education reform. ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, has rubbed stamped and codified this education reform. It has re-branded ‘Common Core’ into ‘College and Career Readiness’ and/or those “Challenging State Academic Standards”.
It’s been a while since I have used Monday’s article to express my views (when I first started sharing my research, Mondays were dubbed “Monday Musings”). So, who or what do I consider as an educational worm?
We can contrast real worms to conceptual worms. Relax, I will not too graphic.
Real worms have no legs, educational worms have no legal leg to stand upon.
Real worms have long and thin bodies, educational worms are thin in objective research.
Real worms have different jobs, some compost and recycle, some destroy. The educational worms recycle ‘Common Core’ and destroy true learning and teaching.
Real worms are found in every habitat, educational worms are shifting academics to workforce based in every habitat.
Real worms have been doing what they do for a very long time, educational worms have been reforming education for about 100 years.
Real worms have caused a lifelong fascination for some people, educational worms pass off their reform as ‘lifelong learning’.
Warriors, I am sure you can add to the list.
So, Who or What Will Receive “Wormiest”?
Below, are my nominations for “Wormiest Education Reformers”.
Their ‘prize’? A rotten apple trophy. (see below)
In no particular order:
1) The ESSA, ESEA, HEA, WIOA, STEM Act, NCLB, and every related law in between.
(ESSA: Every Student Succeeds Act; ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act; HEA: Higher Education Act; WIOA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math; and the NCLB: No Child Left Behind).
2) Those responsible for writing, campaigning, and passing any of the laws while in Washington, D.C. in number 1. If you voted for any of these, I won’t be voting for you in Nov. 2016.
3) The P3s (Public Private Partnerships) who have taken government overreach in education to lower and more disgusting levels than ever. P3s saddled us with CCSS in the first place.
4) The United Nations and all the global partners for assuming Americans would actually be okay with transforming from American educated citizens to ‘globally ready ones’.
5) For the organizations (including the sold out teacher unions) hell-bent on trampling teachers, aligning school staff members, subjective influencing parents, and misguiding students. This would extend to those involved in ‘educational research’.
6) The local and state level leaders too used to complacency (and the big amounts of money) to actually stand up to this egregious mess and put a stop to it.
7) The ‘posers’ among the anti CCSS Warriors. As the ESSA gets closer and closer to being fully in place, we are finding those we thought were against this ed reform, who are in fact, among us only pretending to fight. Their goal? To help deceive us.
Shame on every blasted one of these laws, people, and companies.
Warriors, who or what would you nominate? Why would I ask you to name them? Exposing them! Now is the time for us to be roaring, not soft-peddling our message. The CCSS Machine marginalizes us on a daily basis. It is time we fire back. Name names, name the laws, identify the companies. We should do this on a daily basis. Why? To show we mean business. That we mean, we are fed up and that this kind of activity will NOT be acceptable in 2016-17’s school year!
If you haven’t seen Dr. Duke Pesta’s “Common Core, Six Years Later” video, you should. It is just over an hour long, in the opening seconds he expresses EXACTLY my message for today.
If you have seen it, share the opening comments with your local family and friends in this War with us.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRr6nBEnz4&w=560&h=315]
Thank you so so much for this post. I am a teacher and can vouch for all he said as truth. I will send this to our superintendent and school board.
You are so welcomed, Karen
You well describe the circular “wormy” nature of test-score reform inside our district’s lowest-income schools where, for so many years, now, re-branding and re-naming have shallowly covered an endless and repeated abuse.
Thank you, my friend.