What’s Up Ahead

Monday Musings

Warriors Against Fed Ed, you know I’ve been a consistent researcher on the post-secondary education front. You are also aware how I’ve shown you document upon document which proves the CCSS Machine is NOT content with traditional K-12th grade educated students, rather, it is after our babies all the way to our grandparents.

It also means EVERY school choice, at some time or another has been, or, is in the process of being..

  100% streamlined alignment to Common Core, Career Tech Education, College and Career Readiness, STEM, and all that goes with them.

During the past couple of months, I been especially focused on just how desperately our U.S. Congress is churning out propaganda on the ‘value’ of an educated (and streamlined) workforce. Not to be left out, the U.S. Dept. of Ed has echoed this. The CCSS Machine has placed it’s change agents in our government very strategically.
This agenda is to be continued in 2017.

So, what has the U.S. Dept. of Ed had to say about adult ed and its future (2017 and beyond) that I’ve not already shared? Look below.

The December 2016 Blog Entry:

The “Homeroom” entry this screen shot came from was dated 12/1/16. You can access the entire entry, http://blog.ed.gov/2016/12/committing-adult-schools-2020/

Here is the context for the picture you see above, “Over the last few months, staff of the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) visited adult charter schools and schools for disconnected or opportunity youth in the D.C. area. We were inspired by the dedicated students, faculty, and staff and saw the need for more high-quality and adequately resourced adult and family charter schools, pilot schools, or other blended learning or hybrid schools for adults and opportunity youth in the United States. There are currently 36 million adults and 5.3 million disconnected or opportunity youth in the country who could benefit from access to such schools.”

Look at the logo on the gentleman’s chef shirt. That is the logo of the Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School. You can see the logo below. Be sure you note the two facts I inserted on this screen shot.


From the School’s 2014-15 Annual Report, this screen shot shows several CCSS Machine member groups as donors.


To see the Report: http://www.joomag.com/magazine/mag/0970131001453241021?feature=archive (*Note: Page 48 is where you’ll find this picture.)

To see ProActive School, Inc.’s website: http://proactiveschool.com/default.htm

Also in the Homeroom blog entry, was this bombshell, “Today, December 1, 2016, OCTAE, the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, and the Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School hosted the first Adult Schools Growth Forum focused on expanding high-quality schools for low-skilled adult learners, opportunity youth, and other disadvantaged older youth and adults.”

You can access the Forum’s Agendabbadultedagenda

Featured speakers from CCSS Machine member organizations were there. For example, the Center for Education Reform (the same group which beat President-elect Trump’s door down with the message of continuing to incentivize education for ‘innovation’ and ‘technology’.

If you would like to see the CCSS Machine at work about the Forum from 12/1, head over to Twitter and type in #MoreAdultSchools.

Oh, when you access the Homeroom Blog, please read the comments which have been displayed. Every one of them is in support of this type of education. I wonder if they’d be so supportive if they realized the CCSS Machine’s intent for each student.

In The Next 3 Years:

Over the next 3 years, a national commitment has been issued (via the Blog entry) to create 100 MORE adult public international charter schools!  You can access the ‘menu’ of adult schools action steps: adult_schools_growth_forum_menu_of_options
(*Note: the first group targeted for ‘adult education’ is investors! Parents are dead last.)

Carlos’ School Is A Trailblazer:

Here’s a document you’ll really want to get your hands on. It’s a Case Study of the Rosario Adult International Public Charter School. It was conducted by CAL-SIOP (Center for Applied Linguistics-Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol). Below is as great a piece of evidence as ever to show the purposed intent for our adult students and their alignment to the same type of ‘workforce based education’ our younger students are experiencing. Note the dates almost line up with the introduction of CCSS/CTE, too!


To access the 3 page Case Studycarlos-rosario-ipcs-case-study
To learn more about SIOP Model for educationhttp://www.cal.org/siop/

If you’d like to know about the Middle States Assoc. of Colleges and Schools (MSHE), be sure to go to their website. In 2013, there was a name change which is pretty significant for our War vs the Core. You’ll also want to note their involvement with CHEA (Council on Higher Education Accreditation). MSHE also has a K-12 branch.
See: http://www.msche.org/publications/PromotingEducationalExcellenceandImprovement2015FINAL.pdf

If you’d like my research on CHEA and their selling out to the CCSS Machine:

Steering On the Aligned Road:

National Institute of Latino School Leaders (a project of the NCLR, National Council of La Raza) has praised the momentum of adult charter schools. In this 2015 document funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, you’ll see what those praises are. http://publications.nclr.org/bitstream/handle/123456789/1416/Memo%20No.%208?sequence=9&isAllowed=y
(*Note: in my past research, I found out how supportive of the ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, NCLR was. See: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/04/30/weekend-news-for-the-war-against-the-core/ )

JFF (Jobs for the Future)
has quite a collection of informative resources on the topic of adults and international trends in education.
See: http://www.jff.org/publications/international-trends-adult-education-and-lifelong-learning
From the JFF site, this 2009 Document about the “One Step Forward” Initiative.
(*Note: this dated document shows how WalMart is participating.)
Here’s what I have on JFF, https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/11/19/tech-thursday-post-secondary-champs/

OCED (Organization for Social Co-operation of Economic and Development), in 2005, published the results of the first Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. Here’s an excerpt, The Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey (ALL) is a large-scale co-operative effort undertaken by governments, national statistics agencies, research institutions and multi-lateral agencies. The development and management of the study were co-ordinated by Statistics Canada and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in collaboration with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the United States Department of Education, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC) and the Institute for Statistics (UIS) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).”

Here’s the Document2005all

UNESCO’s idea of adult education? Look below:

To see where this screen shot came from: http://www.uil.unesco.org/adult-learning-and-education/unesco-recommendation/new-unesco-recommendation-adult-learning-and-0

To access the GRALE (Global Report on Adult Learning and Education):
(*Note: its’ third edition was given earlier this year.)

If you’d like to see what the BFA (Belem Framework for Action) detailed for adult education, see below.

To access the entire document: http://uil.unesco.org/fileadmin/workshops/en/clc/Confintea6_BFA%20Implementation_RY2011.09%20final.pdf


Warriors, where else have we seen either the same as the above screen shot in ALL education reform, or very, very similar?!

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