Medicaid Transformation

New Normal?!

Breaking News!

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we have a short window of opportunity to let our voices be heard in OPPOSITION to the proposed changes from the U.S. Dept. of Education. Why is this ‘breaking news’? Because the document with the proposed changes casts the tone of parents as interference!

The Federal Registry
Warriors, as you know, anytime the US federal government has proposed changes from any Department, the Federal Registry is where the documents are posted. The U.S. Dept. of Education’s ‘latest’ proposal will
a) Amend IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) Funding
b) Include funding for Pre-K grants
c) Remove parental consent for public agencies PRIOR to accessing your child’s first time use of their Medicaid, Medicare, and/or CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Plan) for required Part B expenses
d) By removing a parent’s consent, further alignment for public benefit is gained
Warriors, there’s more to this than these 4 prongs. That stands to reason when you consider the U.S. Dept of Education has NO AUTHORITY to conduct itself as the parents of millions of children.

I urge you to go to this link and read the entire PDF of the proposed changes so you can see just how far the government is set to come into your family. The unspoken danger to most of the changes being brought about is the massive data tracking. To access the PDF, look to the right hand side of the page and select ‘pdf’.

What services does Part B of IDEA funding include? All speech therapy, all occupational therapy, all special equipment needed for such, early interventions in behavior, in-home visits, and so much more. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has a list of exactly what a massive umbrella the government has cast over families.

Under the guise of ‘relief’ during COVID and its aftermath, the U.S. Dept. of Education received billions of dollars for education. IDEA funding, Part B received over $2 billion!

Medicaid Expansion
Warriors, earlier this year, I was a guest of Dr. Elaina George on her podcast “Living in the Solution”. We did a 2 part series on the latest Medicaid expansion and how extensive the family overreaches were becoming even more draconian than ever. I’m including them both, as the proposed changes for state assistance by the U.S. Dept. of Education (Federal Registry document) will definitely play into this nightmare.
Part One (listen to the entire show)
Part Two (if you want just the Medicaid part, start at the 14:36 time stamp)
Also included in the ‘expansion’ of government’s removal of parents in education is the effort of how much the government ‘cares’ about your children. The Campaign for Grade Level Reading is hosting webinars about the wrap around services and addressing the needs of the families with an entity called
Nurture Connection.

We Were Warned
Warriors, back in 2014, Charlotte Iserbyt wrote an article featuring Anita Hoge and what Anita had uncovered about Medicaid and the corruption of the system impacting families. Charlotte is no longer with us, but Anita is. If you use Twitter, look her up (@HogeAnita). She has spoken out about the Federal Registry document. She has urged everyone to submit protesting comments, too. I’m joining her in this
effort, as well. We have until August 1st to weigh in. We MUST let our government know that parents are NOT a burden to LEAs (Local Education Agencies). LEAs are NOT only your schools, but ANY entity connected to them. These latest ‘assistance’ moves by the U.S. Dept. of Education are also a part of the Full Service Community Schools! The current administration (just like the last 4) has devoted millions of our tax dollars to bring these ‘one stop mini mall government agencies’ to fruition.
Why listen to Anita? Because, my fellow Warriors, she has seen this coming and has faithfully reported, testified against, and spoken out since at least 1995 when PA was used as a ‘test dummy’ state for the massive mind manipulation and family ‘assistance’ our government is using in every state now.

When you comment on the Federal Registry document, read ALL the comments. See the attitudes of those commenting about parents. It’s truly disgusting. Then, consider: this is how your government views parents. Fight back to stop what the government is doing to destroy families and PROTECT your children!

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