FTF: PreK Research: CCSS, CBE, and a Host of Others

As anti CCSS Warriors, we’ve heard of educational research on the K-12 level, the higher education level, but did you know there’s an educational research group for those in pre-kindergarten? I first wrote about the National Institute for Early Education Research and their Zero to Three involvement:  https://www.commoncorediva.com/tag/national-institute-for-early-education-research/ While that article will name the same […]

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RMT: Halting a CCSS/CTE aligned Workforce?

To the Warriors against the ‘Core’, we’ve learned over and over that the CCSS Machine has many parts to it. Those parts include Career Clusters, Career Pathways, the American Apprenticeship Initiative, Career and Technical Education, and the  Common  Core Standards (which encompass every subject, including the Arts and PE). One of the biggest parts of […]

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