No, I don’t mean the latest hurricane or tropical storm. I’m not referring to the Halloween season. I’m referring to the constant push to ruin not only our educational system, but America itself.
Anti CCSS Warriors, I know you are being bombarded with all sorts of things right now. But, let’s remember that some of the worst moves made by the CCSS Machine, have been made while our heads have been turned.
Example #1:
The recent “I Just Sued the School System” video. I’ve had plenty of folks send this to me and say something like ‘that’s a great idea’. That’s where the CCSS Machine wants us to look, however, LOOK behind the video (if you haven’t already).
If you’ve not seen the video:
While the famous rapper (Prince Ea) gripes about one size fits all education, he also brings up PBLs (project based learning), charter schools, and other CCSS Machine alternatives which are clearly NOT alternatives!
While the rapper does list John Taylor Gatto as a inspiration, he also cites Ken Robinson (as in Sir Ken Robinson, a global education fan) as well as the Khan behind Khan Academy who was personally paid by Bill Gates to align his educational resources to the CCSS Machine.
As far as Susan Blum, I have no idea, but knowing she wrote about higher education, I’d say an in-depth look is in order.
My point: Most folks stop looking when they heard ‘sue’, the phrases about being fed up and then seeing John T. Gatto’s name. What’s been missed is HUGE, if that’s where we stop.
If you’d like to see the website of the company behind the video:
I encourage you to really look at their website. This is an global oil company with a definite agenda.Why? They are hoping the Prince Ea video reaches at least 2 million ‘likes’. There are plenty of other agenda items as well.
Example #2:
This one’s also on YouTube right now, but is a preview. I do not suggest you watch it with your children. Called “The Thinning” it’s supposedly a ‘what-if-this-could-happen’ type of movie. The plot is population control via student assessments. Basically, you pass the high-stakes test, you get to live; you do not score well or fail the test, you are escorted immediately to a death chamber. Of course the setting is a post-apocalyptic one, but LISTEN to the words in the trailer.
This movie comes out in its full form, 10/12/16. The company behind it is Legendary Digital. Legendary is funded by some pretty big CCSS Machine member organizations. Who holds the financial debt? Bank of America, a huge supporter of education-for-one-size-fits-all-global-citizen-workforce-educated. Other investors include: Goldman Sachs and Accel Partners (venture capitalist group/also funds Facebook). To see all the Legendary Digital investors, use the second link in the screen shot. As always, to see the picture better, click on it.
While the ‘look here while we do this’ isn’t as thinly veiled as the “Sued” video, we MUST look at what is behind this movie.
To see what else Accel Partners fund:
(*Note: look for ‘Dropbox’..then think data mining.)
Example #3:
Early yesterday, I spied this tweet sent out by notorious CCSS Machine member, McGraw Hill Publishing. They are SO grateful for educators they will award $50,000. What really ticked me off, was the ‘iconic sculpture’.
Well, Warriors, we KNOW that McGraw Hill isn’t hiding anything in plain sight as far as aligned education, BUT is there more? Yes! I believe so. You see the money and statue are being used to sway folks. McGraw Hill, will, create another false narrative as to the ‘success’ of CCSS.
Hiding behind the Prize? Arizona State University! This higher education institution is also a notorious CCSS Machine member organization. The trail grows, though. Because I also found the ASU/GSV Summit is behind the Prize.
To learn McGraw Hill’s side of the Prize:
To see how ASU and the ASU/GSV Summit hit my ‘anti CCSS radar’:
a) GSV Capital ties to General Assembly, which ties to White Board Advisors:
b) GSV Advisors with plans to dissolve school boards:
c) AZ State University with ties to Parchment (data mining), Unique Identifier Numbers, and more:
d) AZ State University also ties us to Jason Zimba (math for CCSS):
(*Note to see the team he’s a part of for CCSS at ASU: )
e) AZ State, the 2015 Superbowl, and related information:
f) What I have on Khan of Khan Academy:
Other Related Technology/Digital Articles:
b) Facebook, Google, and other tech giants for a new council for artificial intelligence:
(*Note: refer to Part 2)
Gather the troops, Warriors! We must look in every direction.

Thank you for looking into the video. I too was taken in and did not like the mentions of khan academy or individual learning through computer and I fell too for the video minus those points. We sure are fortunate to have you!! Thank you again!!
Thanks, Cherise