Anti Fed Ed Warriors, it’s pretty much set in stone that Americans will NOT see the federal overreaches in education go away under the incoming administration. If you look at the current Education Transition Team, it’s headed up by one of the worst CCSS Machine members we know of. Linda Darling-Hammond! She is representing the CCSS Machine member group: Learning Policy Institute. Go to their ‘about’ page and scroll down to see what other CCSS Machine member groups fund the LPI, as it’s called.
Wait, don’t be shocked, there are several members on the Dept. of Education Transition Team who are OTHER CCSS Machine members and/or CCSS Machine member groups. There’s also the NEA (National Education Association), the AFT (American Federation of Teachers, the Education Trust, Open Education Global, and Teach Plus. There are also a few public state universities on this team, too.
Sprinkled throughout the Transition Teams for other federal agencies, are these CCSS Machine member groups:
Labor: Jobs for the Future, Center for American Progress (this one group is on several teams), and, New America
Council on Economics: George Washington Univ., Univ. of Chicago
Interior: Harvard and Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Arts/Humanities: Univ. of PA., American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, and, Univ. of DE
State: Brookings Institute, Amazon, and, the UN Foundation
NASA: Smithsonian Museum and GA Tech
National Security: Univ of PA, Johns Hopkins Hospital, US Institute of Peace, Goldman Sachs, and, the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation (this one group is on several other teams as well)
Health/Human Services: Aspen Institute, Kaiser Permanente, and, Johns Hopkins
Executive Office: Georgetown Univ. and Chan Zuckerberg
Federal Reserve: Several public state run universities and the AFL-CIO
Federal Trade Commission: Brookings Institute
EPA: Harvard and the Sierra Club
Intelligence: Columbia Univ., Facebook, Chan Zuckerberg, Disney, and Brookings Institute
Defense: New America, George Washington Univ., Univ. of HI, Yale Univ., Rand, Inc., and JP Morgan/Chase
International Development: ACLU, UN Development, and Bill/Melinda Gates
Justice: Duke Univ., National Education Association, Stanford Univ., Harvard Univ., and the 2028 Olympics
Treasury: ACLU
Housing/Urban Development: Urban Institute
Transportation: several big unions
Veteran Affairs: The Truman Center
Commerce: Univ of PA, Third Way, National Audubon Society, NOAA, Visa, Inc., Pepisco, Inc., Roosevelt Foundation,and Pew Charitable Trust
Council on the Environment: Bloomberg Philanthropies
Office of Budget/Management: Amazon and Brookings Institute
Energy: Stanford Univ., M. Casey Foundation, Columbia Univ., AFL-CIO and, Gates Ventures
Homeland Security: Goldman Sachs and Chan Zuckerberg
AND, the entire US Mission to the United Nations team

According to Ballotpedia, back when it was President-elect Trump’s turn to have a transition team, his, too was laced with CCSS Machine members and member groups.
First off, his choice for Vice President, Mike Pence. Then, there were all those Trump family members who have since shown their globalism devotion.
Then Gov. Christie from NY. Warriors, ask any season Anti CCSS Warrior from IN or NY and they can tell you how both Pence and Christie were sold out. But let’s not dismiss that Goldman Sachs was represented, SkyBridge Capital, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institute, Oracle, Patomak Global, then-current federal employees and several former federal employees from HHS, ED, Commerce and the military, Cambridge Global Capital, US Commission on International Religious Freedom, Carnegie Mellon Univ., and, Harvard Univ. This particular 2016 article reveals even more ties to the CCSS Machine, like the Disney Corporation.
Warriors, I’m not picking on either political party, here. As you’ve known, by reading and following my research, that BOTH the Republicans AND the Democrats love to commit treason by overreaching into education at a federal level.
Increased Federal Overreach In Education:
Warriors, if the Biden-Harris Transition teams alarm you, you may want to visit the entire website. There you’ll see lots of names and faces. Most of the agencies, offices, or programs these people will be in charge of, there a few NEW agencies and offices that We the People didn’t constitutionally authorize.
For example, the brand new White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy. This backs up Biden’s agenda for climate change jobs, resilient cities, and, environmental justice. As we know, the ‘climate change’ rhetoric is straight from the United Nations, and is woven throughout the Sustainable Development Goals. Here, on my blog and in several interviews, I’ve exposed the SDGs are in public education, private education, homeschool curriculum and resources, churches, and, our communities. If you’d like to see the Biden-Harris Climate Transition Appointees and Nominees, go here. Listed as Sr. Staff White House members, there’s Ali Zaide who’ll be a Deputy National Climate Advisor. He helped write the Paris Agreement. Then, former EPA official Gina McCarthy as the head National Climate Advisor. McCarthy can also be tied to the UN and the World Health Organization.
Then there’s the COVID-19 Response Council as well as a special counselor to the President-elect for COVID-19 Response. Warriors, as we know, Dr. Anthony Fauci will keep his place as the Chief Presidential Advisor on COVID. He’ll be joined by Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith as the COVID-19 Equality Task Force Co-chair. Natalie Quillian is to be the Deputy Coordinator for COVID-19 Response. Quillian has been in DC Administrations since George W. Bush’s. Jeff Zients will be the Coordinator for COVID-19 Response as well as the Counselor to the President. Zients is a well known crisis manager, according to the Biden-Harris bio on him.
Paying For The Transition:
Warriors, did you know that the recently signed Public Law 116-260 set aside a big ‘chunk of change’ for the Presidential Transitioning? I found it embedded in the Technology section of the former HR 133. Basically, one million dollars is being used by the Executive Branch ($9.9 million on one page of the law and then $8.9 million is rescinded on another page). Then, there’s $25 million for technology modernization.
So why are We the People footing this cost for more overreaches? It’s from another law, the Presidential Transition Act. Here’s the 2020 document showing all the provisions.
But wait, Warriors, according to this political website, the Biden-Harris team can accept PRIVATE donations from any person, group, or entity!
Warriors, as has always been the case in this War Vs the Core: if we want the Feds out of ED, WE MUST STEP UP! Speak out and do more than point fingers.
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