Congress’s Educratic Confusion

From the Files Tuesday Monday Musings

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, according to the on-line resource,, ‘confusion is a symptom that makes you feel as if you can’t think clearly’. The website goes on to state that confusion is also known as ‘disorientation’. In its’ most extreme form, confusion is known as delirium,

Warriors, this isn’t the first article I’ve written detailing the confusion our Congress stays cloaked in, when it comes to education and the federal overreaches produced by their continued unconstitutional interference. This also will not be the first article I’ve researched where ‘equity’ and ‘equality’ are also being confused by our Congress members. However, Congress is hardly alone when it comes to the confusion of these 2 words, ESPECIALLY in education!

The CCSS Machine has been misusing equality and equity since Day One. Now that so much educratic activities are going on in the name of “COVID Relief”, these 2 words are continuing to not only be misused, but, have been made into a profit making data mining coup d’e tat!


Meet The U.S. Congressional Sellouts Behind S 213/HR 779 (TRUE EQUITY Act):

Warriors, BOTH Chambers of Congress have carbon copied each other for education; at least from, yet another COVID ‘avenue’. So, what does TRUE EQUITY stand for? “Transformational Reforms and Updates to Ensure Educational Quality and Urgent Investments in Today’s Youth Act of 2021”. I’ll be revealing more about S213/HR779 in a bit, but first, let’s discover some of the CCSS Machine ‘disciples’ behind the educational system in MD.

The Senate version is sponsored by MD Senator Cardin. The House version is sponsored by MD Representative Trone.
Sen. Cardin’s backed by Big Business and Big Insurance, according to Open Secrets website. Of these industries, several listed can be tied back to the CCSS Machine. Rep. Trone has several backers, as well, but it’s the direct contributions from the NEA (National Education Assoc) and another educational entity that REALLY stand out.

What’s NOT confusing or coincidence, is that Marc Tucker (The author of the “Dear Hillary” letter as well as the President of NCEE (National
Center for Education and the Economy) has used Maryland (MD) as an experimental State for cradle to grave workforce education
based off the Estonia model. I’ve written about that, too.

From 2019, this eye opening exposure of the seminar Tucker spoke during. You HAVE to read some of his comments! They are SO revealing as far as how he views education.
Below is an image I created from 2019 which was featured in the above article.

IF you want to read what Tucker had to say in February 2021 about the State of Maryland and education’s future, go here.
Here’s an excerpt: “Blueprint for MD’s Future” legislation is the first in the U.S. explicitly designed to enable a state’s students to match the performance of students in the countries that lead the world in performance, equity, and efficiency.”

You can also find not only Tucker’s educratic CCSS Machine influence in this “Excellence in Education” for MD (2017), but Dr. Chester Finn and Linda Darling-Hammond. I’ve exposed both of these educrats’ involvement in the CCSS Machine, too.

From The Bills, These Details:

Warriors, the ENTIRE purpose behind S 213/HR779 is to create a new federal partnership between a national level and a state level. In other words, more of the same violations of our U.S. Constitution and education related federal laws prohibiting any sort of partnership, direction, funding, etc.

Before all the trillions of dollars these twin bills will force taxpayers, non-profits, and, P3s (public private partnerships) to ‘contribute’,
you can read (in the opening pages), Congress’s ‘sense’, as well as their ‘findings’. This isn’t about letting the States or parents decide how to
handle school in these COVID times, but THEIR job using funds against us!

Why the interest in a ‘newer, meaner’ partnership between the Feds/States? Because we, as a nation, aren’t scoring well on the high-stakes, student data raping assessments at an international level. As such, we MUST become even more staunch in government control to ‘ensure’
ALL students can globally compete.

What competition? College/Career Readiness, aka, Common Core State Standards combined with STEM/STEAM, CTE, and all that goes with these. (*Note: STEM/STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, {the Arts}, and, Math; CTE: Career Technical Education)

You’ll also find that because the main sponsors of these Bills are from MD, MD is used as the platform for all the rest of the States to become like!

From Page 5 of S 213:Creating a world-class instructional system with an internationally benchmarked curriculum that enables most students to achieve ‘‘college and career ready’’ status by 10th grade and then pursue pathways that include early college..which is followed with: “ Providing supports to students that need it the most with broad and sustained support for schools serving high concentrations of poverty, with after school and summer academic programs and student access to needed health and social services.

From Page 6 of S 213: “no inequities in student achievement, college enrollment, or Federal, State, and local funding should be tolerated..”

Warriors, these Bills will, once again, have each State compete AGAINST each other for the federal grants (aka: loans future generations pay off while allowing the U.S. Dept. of Education MORE control). The States which really want those fed funds MUST (once again) comply and SUBMIT to the federal government. Grants will be made at EVERY level of education/age. WHY? Because education policy (not law) demands it!

The biggest compliance tool will be creating MORE State level government in the name of ‘student success in COVID times’. While education SHOULD be local, these newly created State Oversight Boards will be at the fed’s beck and call, NOT YOURS.

Warriors, it won’t simply be the students who will have their curriculum internationally standardized (which the CCSS Machine has already been doing for years), but competitive grants will be given to align the teachers/leaders; competitive grants for MORE College/Career, Early College Pathways; grants for student resources which will be available to education OUTSIDE public schools and spread across the community to ensnare ALL school choices.

Woven into these grants are other compliance measures. One which should cause you pause, is that language changes in ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965), rebranded as ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015), the Carl Perkins Act of 2006, the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), the HEA (Higher Education Act), and the WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014) purposefully SHIFT control of local education AWAY from local/State levels.

Price tags for all these types of grants is in the trillions when all added up. Added to this is the requirement for the States to have non-federal funds or goods which match the amounts the feds ‘award’ the States. On almost every level of the competitive grants, that 200% of what the federal government gives, entities of all types must meet that total. So, if the federal government gave my State (NC) a million dollars for all this, State/local and private groups would have to cough up another million (money, goods, or services) for a total of $2 million.

Warriors, let me go back to the language changes, before I close this article. “TRUE EQUITY” will be inserted into the ESSA for ‘flexibility funding’ as well as technical support. It’s by these 2 ways that the shift to nationalize schools of all kinds can be seen, if we choose to
see this. This is NOT the time to bury your head in the sand.




Warriors, S 213 and HR 779 pave the way to unite (in the name of COVID student education relief) the CARES Act, the American Rescue Plan, the recently released Biden Plan for “American Jobs Plan” and the upcoming “American Family Plan”. These Bills also weave in the CCSS Machine’s cradle to grave work-based education shift more than ever! You’ll also be interested to see how all this will also connect with the U.S. Dept. of Education’s “Reopening Schools” in this “Covid” time as alarming. These Bills will also tie into the U.S. Dept. of Education’s recent announcement about more free meals in the name of education.

Be sure to tune in on Wednesday, April 28th via The Sons of Liberty Media website. My host, Tim Brown and I will be revealing even MORE about these toxic twin Fed ED Bills. (*Note: to find the 6 am show, look to the right and it’s the second video link.)


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