King’s Bandwagon..It’s A-comin’

Tech Thursdays


Yes, Anti-Fed Ed Warriors, you saw it correctly…Dr. John King, U.S. Secretary of Education has waxed ‘collective’ when it comes to your students. We’ve known for a while his attitude towards parents, so it shouldn’t be a surprise when he comes up with yet another insulting comment.

Climbing on My Soapbox for a Moment:

‘Everybody’ did not help me birth or raise my children. I didn’t help you birth or raise yours. We CERTAINLY do NOT need the U.S. Dept. of Education’s help either!!
I do NOT desire to see anyone’s child climb on board King’s ‘we’re-all-in-this-together’ bandwagon. The popular mindset in D.C.:  we need as many folks as possible to raise/teach our kids. If this continues: we won’t have a bandwagon of student’s champions, but I fear, village idiots running amuck! It appears, however, that King is determined to get as many on his bandwagon as he can. What do I mean?! Let me climb off my soapbox and we’ll find out.

First Stop, NPR:

Dr. King was a guest on “All Things Considered”, Sept. 3, 2016. You can either listen to the archive or read the transcript of the interview. I am choosing the transcript. The less I have to hear a CCSS Machine disciple spew rhetoric, the better.

As I usually do, I’ll only point out the things that need our attention the most. For example, get a load of the bandwagon-mindset title NPR chose to circulate the interview.
‘King/status quo/unacceptable’ ?!!? Are you kidding me?! Has NO ONE at NPR read ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act)?! Has NO ONE at NPR talked with Congress lately?! Sure, they obviously talked to King, but he’s a CCSS Machine disciple.

Those in the D.C. arm of the CCSS Machine wouldn’t know ‘quality education’ if it sat up and punched them!
King is acting out what the CCSS Machine wants..and it WANTS STATUS QUO citizens!

As far as the interview, here are the bandwagon-worthy statements NPR and/or King had the audacity to utter.
1) NPR: “Earlier this week, his agency proposed new rules that would govern how school districts distribute federal money meant to support the education of low-income kids. The rules are intended to ensure that these federal funds, known as Title I, can only be used in addition to state and local money and not instead of those funds.”

Excuse me, but does anyone see the bandwagon mindset? HIS agency?! Governing how Fed $$ is spent?!

What was included in King’s response? “And so this is really about requiring districts to direct resources to the kids who need them most, to ensure that students have access to pre-K, to advanced coursework, to school counselors.”

Hold the horses, Dr. King! The amount of federal overreach into education has gone far enough! We DO NOT need NOR want more ways for you to require, mandate, order, or govern for us. The ironic thing is that school counselors have been ‘encouraged’ to become Career Track/Pathway and/or College and Career Readiness sales personnel! Pre-K should be up to the parents, not the government. Not every student should go to Pre-K. They need those crucial parental bonding times. (*Note: be sure you read how upset he is over Civil Rights when it comes to AP (Advanced Placement) courses. When you factor in how un-advanced those courses have been reduced to, he should be incensed about that ‘status quo’ move.)

2) The sympathy card is played by both. Whhaaa…Grow up. Most of us have hard times and don’t go on to purposefully muck up millions of students, teachers, education leaders, and abuse taxpayers money to achieve the ‘muckness of it all’.

3) The charter school/school choice card is played. Again, did no one read ESSA? ‘School choice’ is a mirage waiting for us to fall into! Charters are being aligned now to take over public schools in some states as a way to ‘fix’ those low ‘whole school grades/report cards’. If you ever need a fine example of P3 (public private partnership) disasters, look at the CCSS Machine and what’s it’s done to education.

4) NPR: “… is part of the play here on these new regulations is that if affluent schools realize they might lose something, that that might create some urgency around making sure that less affluent kids get what they need – is that part of the logic of this?”

Oh NO they DIDN’T! There is absolutely, positively NOTHING playful about ESSA or Dr. King’s rein as the top person in charge of education at the federal level! As far as ‘logic’, leveling education to a one-size-serves-all is the entire agenda.

This is where King’s response you see in the tweet above comes into context. But..what ELSE did he utter? Here’s the entire set of comments. “I hope in the end it’s that folks see that they have a stake in the success of other people’s children. The reality is you can’t build walls high enough to keep the fate of your kids separate from the fate of the kid down the block, down the street, down the road, in the next community over – all our kids’ fates are bound up together. And the work that we’re doing on supplement not supplant, the work that we’re doing on socioeconomic diversity in schools and promoting efforts to increase school diversity, all of that is about saying we are one community and we are ultimately stronger together.”

Ahh, yes..Dr. King, your global citizenship card is in the mail!

Second Stop, A Fed Ed Tour to Inspire:

Yes, the U.S. Dept. of Ed is, once again, polishing up  their CCSS/CTE (Common Core State Standards/Career Tech Education) indoctrination bandwagon using OUR taxpayer funds to convince (oh wait, sorry, it is to inspire us) all Americans how ‘opportunity’ awaits.

The Tour is officially known as “Opportunity Across America”. There’s even a handy website with smiling faces you can visit to learn more:



“Opportunity for All” is code for “Mediocrity for All”!

Bandwagon stops: D.C., VA, TN, AL, AR, MS, and LA

What opportunity/mediocrity will King help promote on this latest bandwagon show?
By the way, King is a puppet for the CCSS Machine in each of these.

a) Pell Grants (used in the HEA, Higher Education Act). Pell has been refigured to align with stipulations in WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) This includes “Second Chance Pell Grants”.
b) America’s College Promise (used in secondary and post-secondary education, White House created and federally funded) will be found in ESSA, WIOA, and HEA. Totally aligned to the CCSS Machine. Often sold as ‘free college’ or ‘free community college’.
c) ConnectED (used in Pre-K to career, public libraries, and more) If you missed by eye opening revelation of how ConnectEd is not only a White House created Initiative, then you need to see it. It’ll show you tons to help you connect the indoctrination dots.
d) Pre-K for All (mandated in ESSA and based on universal design for learning; will start our babies out in the ways of the CCSS Machine, not our ways.)
e) Promise Neighborhoods (codified in the ESSA, this White House created and led Initiative is now law. With it will come whole community/family alignment to the CCSS Machine in the guise of ‘student success’.)
f) Computer Science for All (another White House created and championed Initiative. The Fed Ed 2017 Budget Requests for this are astronomical. It is also woven into Item C, ConnectED. This is meant for every citizen’s alignment, not just students.
g) Teach to Lead (2017 Budget figures are ‘off the charts’ as well as every organization leading the teachers on how to lead students? CCSS Machine banner carrying member organizations.)

The rest of the items are woven into ESSA, WIOA, and or HEA collectively where needed. They include Race to the Top, college affordability, school turnarounds and anything connected. If they are in all 3 of the laws, they’ll be in one of them.

The video for “Opportunity for All” is below. In the first few seconds, you’ll hear each of the above programs championed by the President of the United States. Please note how many of the above programs are from his office. Remember, this President doesn’t have an educational background, but rather legions of educrats advising him.



Warriors, I encourage you to go to one of the bandwagon tour stops. Protest the use of your tax money used against us. Protest the unjust activity of using ‘opportunity’ as a guise for ‘control’!
If you cannot attend:  tweet, email, or call Dr. King, the U.S. Dept. of Ed., and Congress!!
Join the nationally recognized anti fed-ed groups and share this information with someone who needs it. More more truth we raise, the more the bandwagon will shrink.

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