As Warriors against Common Core, or any federal/P3 (public private partnership) overreach in education, we have seen many like-minded folks share need-to-know information.
However, when a veteran Warrior speaks up, we MUST listen to the need-to-know information. Like any great military strategist, Senior officers can make or break your current efforts.
With the 2016 elections being SO important to our States and our Nation. We SIMPLY MUST give credence to fact based evidence which points us to just HOW embedded the CCSS Machine is (and has been) for most, if not, all of our lives!
We also must face the truth that not everyone against CCSS is being transparent or honest about their ties to the federally led, P3 usurping of education.
A Veteran Warrior Speaks, Will You Listen?
As you can see from the screen shot above, the veteran is none other than legendary Charlotte Iserbyt. Unlike some other ex-employees of the U.S. Dept. of Education, Mrs. Iserbyt has consistently, bravely, and factually shared the corruption, the deceiption, and the plots concerning educational reform. Like most truthful Warriors, she has had more than her share of being considered a fear monger. Since I am such a dedicated researcher, I know Mrs. Iserbyt’s findings are dead on target. So, while others choose to not listen, I, for one, am listening wholeheartedly.
The Veteran’s Information:
In the blog entry screen shot I featured as the source above, you can access Mrs. Iserbyt’s website. However, if you don’t have time to do so now, here is a brief rundown.
1) To the Presidential Candidates, a warning: Know the background of your education policy makers. She goes on to tell you how former Presidents didn’t check as closely as they should of and how many organizations (including Heritage Foundation) which have been steering us straight to an aligned, workforce based nation. It was no surprise to learn the Carnegie Foundation was included.
A warning of my own: Carnegie is running workforce based education in the ground! See:
Carnegie is also running rough shod over assessments.
Carnegie and using frustration as a teaching tool. (along with other key CCSS Machine organizations):
2) For those seeking the President’s Job, Mrs. Iserbyt gives them need-to-know information in the purposed path the U.S. Dept. of Education has been laying out since President Reagan’s service. Remember, he said the U.S. Dept. of Ed had to be shut down. However, it never happened! The facts and documents will tell you why/how.
3) In Mrs. Iserbyt’s own words, her reasons why the U.S. Dept. of Ed won’t be shut down, regardless who is elected: ” “By the way, it’s too late to abolish the Department now. It has done what it was created to do, which was what the Carnegie Corporation (deeply involved in restructuring of education from 1934-2016) called for in 1934, words to the effect: “to use the schools to change America’s capitalist economic system to a planned economy, and in some cases, to take our land”.”
3a) As far as how she implicates The Heritage Foundation? Again, her words, “The present global workforce training agenda cannot be implemented without the Reagan Administration and Heritage Foundation’s long sought after tax-funded school choice/charter school agenda which calls for the takeover of our traditional public schools by tax-supported school-to-work charter schools run by unelected councils and teachers/corporate types trained in Marxist Pavlovian/TQM pedagogy.”
A warning of my own: Heritage and some other big name, supposedly anti CCSS groups are increasingly pushing the need for ESAs (Education Savings Accounts).
Here is Heritage’s information:
Related to this, is an almost 9 minute audio clip about how think tanks (while Heritage isn’t named, it is a think tank/policy organization) as well as the candidates have bought into a false argument where school choice is actually possible in America. School choice is an ESA selling point! Access the clip:
(*Note: When you have time, I urge you to listen to the entire call. Heritage is revealed as a pusher of ESAs.
To access the Response from Reagan, Mrs. Iserbyt has been waiting on for so long to be acknowledged: Response-from-Reagan
Here is a screen shot:
Anti CCSS Warriors, and those opposed to the federal/P3 overreach in education, we MUST not only listen to veterans like Mrs. Iserbyt, we need to heed what other truthful Warriors have to say about ANY part of the efforts to streamline education for workforce purposes NOT true academics. If we are to fight this reform together, we MUST acknowledge where the evidence points us; expose those who are bearing a distorted message and ACT upon it! To do any less, is to be a part of the alignment of our education; not part of its solution.
COOSETOREFUSECOMMONCORE , Dr. Duke Pesta, Peg Luksic, Brigitte Gabriel, newyorkunited4kids, womenonthewall, barenakedislam, nowtheendbegins,Ann Inquirer, Michelle Malkin, James Milgram, Sandra Stotsky , Diane Lynn Savage and KAREN Lamoreaux are a few more to google Besides Charlotte Iserbyt and become informed. We owe it to our children, grand children and country in order to,protect and preserve them. COMMON CORE MUST be EXPOSED for the evil brain washing dumbing down governmental control agenda. CC is indoctrinating islam, the LGBT lifestyle, perverted and
Or oprahs see esucation with homosexual techniques shown and data Ming which is secret surveys being taken at our schools WITHOUT parental consent. They don’t even know about these things. it’s one thing to be ignorant but another thing to stay that way.
Sorry for typing errors previously…It should read perverted and pornographic sex education and then data mining……