To my fellow Anti Fed Ed Warriors, do you know where we are? Do you know where we’re going? Before you think I’ve totally lost my mind, I do have a couple of reasons for asking these two questions.
A) We’ve just passed the 3rd anniversary of the signing of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) into law. Of course, this was after both chambers of Congress sold our students, teachers, schools, and, taxpayers down the river. Let me see if I can illustrate the importance of how ESSA has failed us, even before the ink was dry on the paper.
From a recent conversation with my fellow Anti Fed Ed Warrior, Betty:
“We’re not better off now than we were before ESSA.” When I asked her exactly what she meant, she told me it was much like attending a Tupperware party. You’re invited to someone’s home, you see the products demonstrated and well those tight fitting lids adhere to their containers.
You hear how great this is in protecting your food and you can save money. Then, you place an order. You take the product home, expressing to your family how great this will be in protecting food and saving money. When you take out your shiny new Tupperware container and lid, you can’t get the seal to adhere properly, no matter how much you try. You repeatedly try to get your Tupperware to perform exactly as the sales professional showed you. Nothing. Frustrated, you sit down in defeat and realize, you haven’t saved money. You haven’t been able to protect the food, so it spoils anyway.
Warriors, apply this concept to education in the ESSA Era.
B) We’re also about the see a new session of Congress take hold in America. Where will that lead us? If it’s anything like the outgoing session, it’s one step closer to more UN (United Nations) control, especially in education aligned to workforce.
To Congress, We the People are as lost as can be and can only be saved by their control. For We the People, we know where our nation is heading much better than we’re given credit for.
The U.N.’s Upset:
Warriors, did you know that in October of this year (2018) the U.N. was featured in an article where the organization was actually quite upset that their precious SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 2030 target for complete control is ‘way off track’?!
The article also goes on to point out that there are a lot of pessimistic views that by 2030, the global alignment will be complete. The article also lays out how determined the U.N. is to force everyone into the SDGs.
Frankly, I could care less that the U.N.’s upset or that they are trying to pass off the SDGs as ‘aspirational’. If you’ve read the Goals, seen the massive amounts of federal and State level legislation implementing the SDGs, you know these Goals are directives and/or mandates.
I know, Warriors, we hate those SDGs, especially after seeing how much damage they’ve done to education.
The SDGs have been woven into American education well before ESSA, but did you know some of the ESSA mandates echo the U.N.’s SDGs?
In some instances, almost word for word!
ESSA certainly upped the ante on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math). To those of us fighting the CCSS Machine, we know STEM is 100% an educational tool being used against us. Not only in education, but in our communities. We anti Fed Ed Warriors know STEM is directly from the SDGs.
BUT, ESSA also upped the ante on workforce aligned education. That, too, my Warriors, is 100% U.N. directed. You can’t have a global unity without a unified workforce. You can’t have a ‘greater good’ if some of your workers are conformed.
This leads to WHY we shouldn’t disregard the U.N.’s disappointment…
I’m not suggesting we, as Warriors, be afraid of the U.N. I’m pointing out where we need to armed and ready for where the U.N. re-directs its efforts to align American education.
I’m showing you where to look to see HOW the U.N. attacks America, as a freedom-loving nation. As long as we are tied to the U.N. in ANY way, we are a member-state. As such, we must comply.
Also from the article (above) there’s one example for compliance. It’s the fact that in Ghana, a national ID program has been rolled out to create better access to health care, education, etc. (Sound familiar?) However, with a national ID card, you’re also much easier to data track.
Which is why the other facts from the article are important. They show how hungry for personal private data the U.N. is; how big data is here to stay; how groups like the Gates Foundation Goalkeepers are helping the SDGs along. Warriors, we cannot assume that because the U. N. hasn’t gotten what it wants up until now, that we’ll be safe. Hardly. We must stay feisty. We must remain alert and pro-active.
Where Else The Road Leads:
Recently, I was researching for an interview about the U.N.’s overreach into American Education. I found the trail leads to a couple of places you Warriors may know (or may not). The latest FAFSA information for those students wanting to go to college (or are being forced to fill the form out to graduate high school) contains all kinds of information which could be another article all by itself. However, as many times as the College Board is mentioned, I looked at bit closer. Buried in the College Board’s fine print for taking the SAT exams is this:
(The College Board document can be found here. The added emphasis you see is from the UNESCO Archives as well as the U.S. State Dept. Archives.
If you wish to see where else UNESCO Coupons are issued or accepted, visit here.
To see the complete list of USA UNESCO Coupons suppliers and those groups accepting them, find that here. Warriors, you’ll be armed with the knowledge that some key CCSS Machine groups are in the UNESCO Coupon system.
Another road stop? The UNESCO ASPNet, spread across the globe. Here in the USA, 27 States and the District of Columbia are members of this network. What’s ASPNet?
The U.N.’s Associated School Project Network.
ASPNet was founded in 1953 to encourage world-wide peace and international understanding. Now, I couldn’t find out how many US schools have been in this program since its inception, but I can tell you that in 2018, there are 52 ASPNet Schools.
Eighteen States and D.C. are involved: FL, NY, WY, MD, PA, CT, WI, VA, CA, NJ, LA, MA, OH, MT, MN, GA, VT, HI, NH, and DC. These schools range from preK to college.
What’s ASPNet’s Goal? It’s nothing more than a front for global citizenship grooming:
Warriors, if you’ve not seen the Global Citizen Pledge (which will replace the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance) here it is:
For all it’s supposed unity, the U.N. is the WORST at keeping peace. They are ‘champions of coercion’ at creating a false sense of peace. Think of it as ‘my way or the highway’. Or, put another way, the big bully on campus.
Ironically, the U.N. is bending over backwards to rule out any and all bullies, except themselves.
For all the supposed freedom of ideals the U.N. claims the SDGs give us, there’s clearly only ONE road the U.N. really wants the rest of the world on: theirs.
By forcing the US into its SDGs mold, we’re seeing a fast lane on the U.N. road lead us to the destruction of education, of our way of life, our beliefs, and our freedom.
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