Happy Thanksgiving, Four Years Later

Monday Musings

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I cannot believe it’s been for years ago since I wished you all “Happy Thanksgiving” for the very first time on this blog! That’s right, back in 2014, in my early days of daily posts for your War Vs the Core information.

So much has happened between then and now, so I thought it might be an exercise in gratitude to see how far we’ve come in this War, together, as those fighting to save our nation, our kids, and our education. The best news? We’re not done yet! We have miles to go together.

‘Then’ (2014) words will be in italics; ‘Now’ words will follow with parentheses and regular font and will only appear where needed.

Enjoy and THANK you for being you. THANK you for being a fantastic and dedicated Warrior!

leodecaprio cheers
For all my fellow Anti CCSS/Fed Ed/Global Ed Warriors

“Okay, my anti Common Core warriors, it’s merely days before most of us will gather together to celebrate Thanksgiving 2014. I’m sure we have a million things to do between now and then.”
, Thanksgiving 2018 is almost upon us in
earnest. While we’re still focused on our mission, let’s take the time to enjoy our families and the brief break to be with them.)

“Thankful for what CC has taught me”:
(Thankful for what fighting against tyranny with others has taught me)

This day, as every day for me, I’m reminded WHY I fight Common Core: truth, freedom, and our students. (I’m reminded that our freedoms and liberties are being threatened now, more than ever; especially via education.)

Thanks to this fight, now a little over 5 years strong for me, I’ve been reminded  what REAL education is. (Nine years and countless hours)

Real teachers are always a blessing and a gift to our kids I am thankful for.

I’m thankful for true officials who, rather than sell out to false agendas, stand for truth.

It’s been a real blessing to be connected with so many everyday men, women, and students who, like me, could care less what convention is, and dare to be different.

Fighting CCSS has reinforced my voice as a citizen.
(Fighting ESSA and global education)

I’m thankful I live in a country where we are still free and able to exercise freedom of speech, not merely be ‘yes’ men and women.

It’s great to know that all of us, together are needed, vital, and a big part of the legacy of education in America.

I’m honored to be called a hero in this war and even more honored to have followers who are just as big in the ‘hero’ business.

Lastly, fighting Common Core has taught me that truth is bigger than fear.
That regardless of who’s watching, consistent pressure and effort is worth it.
(Fighting an educratic system has taught me truth is bigger than fear and safety in numbers in vital.)

Near or far, I wish you and your family a wonderful week.

“So, my Warrior friends, I leave you with this:

May your travels be graced with safety and peace. May your families be happy and rich in laughter as you gather together. May you take every opportunity granted you to speak the truth with love and firmness. I hope to see you next week when I resume posting. Until then; time to get in the kitchen!


May our words, “End Common Core” be carried out to fruition.”
(May our dedication to ending the global and federal overreaches into our families be carried out swiftly.)


1 thought on “Happy Thanksgiving, Four Years Later

  1. God Bless you Lynne for the hours, days, weeks, months, and years of your life you have dedicated to this war. I have read and saved nearly everything you have written and have shared much of it with many of my WV Legislators. I am sorry to say that most have taken the position that CC is no longer a problem in our state. They are still following the Pied Piper. Steven Paine is now our State Superintendent and is leading the charge of finishing the job he started in our state years ago when he and than Governor Joe Manchin brought P 21 to our state. Unfortunately most of the Legislators just wanted to see the CC opposition fade away.

    Thanksgiving graces for you and your family.

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