This is Our Choice?!

From the Files Tuesday Would You Believe It Wednesday


Recently, one of my dear fellow Anti CCSS Warriors from the other side of the nation, contacted me about her State Superintendent’s words about being ‘choice ready’ by 2030.
My friend/Warrior, Ida F. has allowed me to share her State’s story so you can check in yours for similar such messages.

The State, ND; The ‘Super’, Baesler:

ND’s Superintendent has shared in the media that by 2030 all the students in North Dakota are to be choice ready for their futures. To see the 2 page agenda,  To see just Baesler’s activity,
see below:


Then, consider this screen shot:


Baesler is also a Board Member serving the National Drop Out Prevention Network (NDOPN). In 2015, she, along with other NDOPN members held a national conference in TX. From the program I found detailing the conference, plenty of CCSS Machine members were not only in attendance, but were leading workshops. Was the ‘choice ready’ rhetoric there? Of course. See:

So, What IS “Choice Ready”?

Here’s a screen shot of an AdvancED 2015 presentation which was given in ND in May of 2016.


To get the entire presentation,
(*Note: be sure to see how easily this fits into ESSA’s accountability/implementation plans.)


There must be a 2030 Bandwagon Around Somewhere:

It appears that ND is not the only State jumping on the bandwagon heading for 2030, look at all these other 2030 Ready Resources I found.


1) Hoover Institute’s “American Education in 2030”. You’ll need to know that the Fordham Institute’s very own Chester Finn is cited in this book of 87 pages, that there is a copyright date of 2010 and is tied to the Leland Stanford Jr. University. This book is a collection of essays on education. See:

2) The Center for Teacher Quality’s “Teaching 2030: Leveraging Teacher Preparation 2.0”.
This 66 page document doesn’t give a clear date of when it was published, but it does give you an insight into what groups have influenced this report.  American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), NCATE (National Council for Teacher Accreditation), Commission on Effective Teachers and Teaching (CETT) an independent group convened by the NEA (National Education Association), and the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The CTQ Report is also a collection of related topics in education by various teacher/authors.

Here’s an excerpt, “Pre-service teachers need customized preparation for the 21st-century pedagogical skills demanded by not just the Common Core State Standards, but the global economy in which students must participate. Too much of today’s criticism of teacher education is driven by politics, not substance, and focuses on outdated issues instead of ones unique to the demands of 21st-century teaching and learning. Teacher preparation of today and tomorrow needs to equip new recruits to teach highly mobile students, develop their own assessments, improve data systems, engage parents and policymakers, and lead the transition of many of our high-needs schools into 24/7 community hubs.”

It appears that by 2030, teachers are to have the 3Cs: ‘Communication, character, and content’. In some way this is to go along with the CCSS Machine’s 4Cs for students: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. My question is this (and I do not mean to be snarky): Did I miss something?!  Since the 4Cs for students are happening NOW, why are teachers getting only 3Cs?  Why do they have to wait until 2030?

The CTQ Report:


1) The “Yidan Prize Forecast: Education to 2030”

This 33 page research report is available on-line (I would suggest downloading it) and is based on the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) calculations and research.

Look at the CCSS Machine ties and the UN Ties from the EIU’s ‘experts’:

To download the 33 pages of global ‘choice readiness’: EIU_Yidan prize forecast_Education to 2030
To find in on the Internet:

2) The UN’s Education 2030 Agenda video. This short but scary video shows WHY the innovative data (written into ESSA and its related laws) is such a big deal.


The 2030 Agenda has been well reported (both by others and myself). That said if you don’t have see the connection between the UN, the US, the ‘choice readiness’, the data mining, and education, it is simply this: US is a ‘card carrying UN member. We have signed a global  goals agreement (known as SDGs, Sustainable Developmental Goals). Education is the fourth goal globally. The choice readiness will use the education and data for our students to be one of 3 tracks: college (leader or authority), citizen (includes military as protector or authority), or worker. See the 2015 UN Report

Related Resources:
1) The AASA Article about the 3 Choices:
1a) From the AASA’s  website, how all this ‘choice’ for ‘readiness’ means ‘ready for anything (or in anti CCSS Warrior language: ‘ready to conform’). See:

2) How AdvancED is a CCSS Machine member tied to the Global Agenda:

3) The AACTE’s Common Core Devotion:

4) A CETT/NEA 2012 “Teacher Effectiveness” document:

5) The National Bureau of Economic Research has ties to the OCED (Organization for Co-operation in Economic Development), as well as have a resource on education being the solution to the turnaround of the U.S. Economy. How? skill based and technical!
To see the resource, (*Note: if you really want to feel great about being an American, look at how the Bureau writes us up in mathematical equasions!)
If you’d like to see the corporate funding streams the Bureau receives (note the CCSS Machine groups):

6) To see one of my articles on the OCED and American workforce based education:

7) My article on Chester Finn:

Still Standing

8) How America went from MDGs (Millennial Development Goals) to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), courtesy of the UN:


So, Warriors, has Ida’s original question helped us? It is good to see that ND is hardly alone in this ‘choice ready by 2030’. Why? Knowing we are not standing alone in this War Against the Core is vital. Knowing how big the target is gives us quite a bit of space to aim our best informational shots at. It also affords us lots of room to strike consistently, often, and hard.

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