Upcycling ‘Education’

From the Files Tuesday

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, Memorial Day Weekend is behind us. We’ve like to think the CCSS Machine’s overreaches in education are behind us, too. However, our 116th Congress has made it THEIR mission to undermine the Americans (in education, at least), yet again.


It wasn’t enough they mocked us in the 115th Congress with bills which supposedly were to help education go back to the States, or back to the Moms and Dads.

No, the 116th has ‘upcycled’ 2 bills for ending the federal grasp on education.


I imagine you are wondering what rock has hit me on the head. After all, isn’t ending the federal grasp on education what we’ve been fighting for? Dreaming of? Sure it is, HOWEVER, this bills are NO real solution. In fact, they BOTH extend the federal control!

Back during the 115th Congress I exposed how HR 899 and HR 1510 were NOT going to end Common Core or whatever it has been re-branded as in your State. Neither of these were going to end ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) or stop the high-stakes assessments. Neither was going to halt the student data rape or the teacher being free to teach as their students needed it.

Why were HR 899 and HR 1510 incapable of helping us as Anti Fed Warriors? The short answer: Neither repealed ESSA!

The longer answer: By closing the U.S. Dept. of Education BEFORE a full repeal of federal educratic laws like ESSA, the problems in federal overreaches are TRANSFERRED to OTHER Federal agencies and the status quo continues!

(Below was a screen image I made for the article laying out HOW the problems of federally led education were to be split up (transferred).)

Warriors, I’ve stated this stark reality many times, both on air and here, on the blog. It’s not been taken very well. You must understand that the reality is based on research and the actual bills’ language NOT personal opinion or personal attacks against those who supported HR 899 or HR 1510

The same is true for the ‘upcycle’ versions of the 116th. HR 899 is STILL HR 899, HR 1510 is now HR 1930. While I did report on HR 899 earlier this year, I’ve not covered HR 1930.

The “New” Stuff:

For HR 899, here’s a screen shot from my Part Two of the “Prudence Files”:


For HR 1930 (upcycled HR 1510):

To see HR 1930, go here. The Anti Fed Ed Warrior question you should be asking of these co-sponsors and sponsor: Where in federal law OR found within the U.S. Constitution do you see shell games as legal, responsible, or, in need of taxpayer support?

Throwing Insult To Injury:

Warriors, as if the 116th’s Congressional insults, as to how intelligent we must be to miss their ‘upcycling’ the same agenda, we have the U.S. Census claiming some news about the effect of federal overreaches in education for Americans. The claim? How many of our tax payer dollars go towards American education.


according to the article, the most spending is on teachers. The cost of per pupil spending is nearing $13,000.00 per child. Yet, we have more and more teachers and students in worse shape NOW than ever before! Why? The CCSS Machine is grinding them down to injurious levels!

With the next ‘big’ Census set for 2020, we need to be asking tough questions of Congress on the financial strategy they are supporting here. Given that the U.S. Dept. of Commerce (Home of the U.S. Census Bureau) is set to receive funding to implement FEPA (Foundation of Evidence-based Policy-making Act) data mining activities, we also need to ask how this will play out for our families, come Census taking time.

If you missed my article in late April 2019 about the redesigned Census, I urge you to look at how it will impact your schools and redistricting them, as well as the ultra-personal questions to be answered by American citizens.

If you’ve not seen or heard how the Census measures our schools, you’ll want to read this from their email delivery system. Warriors, it isn’t ‘pretty’.

*Anti Fed Ed Warrior question: How will the Census play into HR 899 and/or HR 1930? In all the transferring of U.S. Dept. of Education programs, funds, and, all related activities, waves of injurious level insults will be visited upon Americans.

US fed statute


Warriors, much is being used against us, as parents and taxpayers. More is being planned to harm our students of ALL ages, backgrounds, and, current school status.

We, however, have a choice: Do we accept bills like HR 899 and/or HR 1930 and HOPE we can see an end to the abuse OR do we demand Congress does a better job for We the People and repeal ALL federal education laws?

If Congress wants ‘new’ and ‘improved’ education, then they need to get out of the way. Upcycling worn out bills and CCSS agenda is a waste of our time and energy, as well as our taxpayer dollars.

It is OUR job to hold Congress accountable. It is their job to create laws which represent OUR will, not the CCSS Machine’s mantra.


Otherwise, Congress members do not DESERVE to represent us. Remember THAT, my fellow Warriors, come election time.

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