I really hope yesterday’s article got your attention. I know for those of us fighting to rid America of the CCSS Machine, its initiative; their educational inappropriateness; and everything else related, we needed to know that information. However disgusted we may be, we need to press on.
Among several anti CCSS Warriors, many nerves were touched by the image of the hub from yesterday. While I understand WHY the image may be upsetting, it is important to know that because of the information, others responded (either via Twitter or Facebook) with very similar images that depict educational/community alignment. Below is the one from “Tacoma 360” for a parents school!

Here’s what another reader posted from Oregon:
Both the anti CCSS Warriors who provided these noted that like Ms. Hoge’s discovery of the 1990s hub (featured in yesterday’s post), these new versions all capture the Goals 2000 or Agenda 21 concept.
Another reaction which was shared to help us all in this data mining/community aligning educational reform is from another one of the anti CCSS warriors who happens to specialize in computer technology. His submission: http://itsmypii.com/
According to the mission statement for “It’s My Pii”: ‘Secure, protect and defend Parental Rights and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of students, parents and teachers.’
Another follower was able to spot how the hub is a symbol used by several groups determined to undermine our nation.
No matter what we see, the fact of the matter is the CCSS Machine’s INTENT is this:
Reshaping America (at any cost) in the name of education reform.
From Twitter:
In response to my article, Mrs. Anita Hoge posted the following DIRECTLY related resources. I urge you, as Warriors Against the Core, to access these, share them, and contact your legislators immediately!
Her 1995 discoveries titled “Womb to Tomb”: Womb_To_Tomb-Anita_Hoge-1995-299pgs-EDU.sml
Contrast her findings on page 197 and the following pages with Sen. Lamar Alexander’s original vision for an aligned community via education reform. Remember, he’s the main person behind the “Every Child Achieves” Act (S1177). He also is the main one behind the upcoming re-authorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA).
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVWDNvJ03FY&w=560&h=315]
Here’s the visual explanation Mrs. Hoge tweeted earlier today:

Another good article she guest wrote that ties in ‘whole child learning’ and all the community alignment: http://www.newswithviews.com/guest_opinion/guest229.htm
The “Whole Child” Learning Destroyed by CCSS?
Yes! Before the outcome based education model, ‘whole child learning’ was what another dear researcher and anti CCSS Initiative Warrior, Donna Garner calls the “Type One” whole child learning. That’s where basic, good academics were taught. Contrast that with her “Type Two” (outcome based education) definition of ‘whole child learning’. That’s all out performance levels, workforce training..in other words almost NO academics!
To further explain this shift , read her article about reading vs. pre-reading:
You may wish to see Mrs. Garner’s ‘whole child learning’ revelations on this North Texas
website. (Scroll to the bottom and look for point #3 where it is pointed out how illegal the ESEA waivers are and how the funds are being used to misrepresent ‘whole child learning’.)
The CCSS Machine’s idea of “Whole Child Learning” can be found at the ASCD website. ASCD is Gates Foundation funded. (I’ve exposed their ties to Gates and CCSS in other articles). Here’s their definition of ‘whole child learning’, “A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community, is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. It engages all stakeholders—educators, families, policymakers, and community members.” To see the rest of the description: CCSS-and-Whole-Child-one-pager
ICYMI (In Case You Missed It):
Yesterday’s article featuring the toxic amendments in committee which will cement more whole child learning/community alignment: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/08/17/supportive-acts-to-back-initiative/
My ASCD article tying them to Gates:
Another of my ASCD articles:
Looking Ahead:
Just a reminder that Wednesday is my ‘media day’, so no blog article will be shared. However, you can catch me on the Negdog Radio Show, 9:30 am, (EDT, Eastern Daylight Time). Call in during the show with questions about fighting the CCSS Machine. The number is 347-843-4165. Then, catch me on the Women on the Wall national conference call, 302-202-1110, enter conference number 702165. That call begins at 8:30 pm (CDT, Central Daylight Time). I look forward to continuing to look at how we can take back our educational system. Join me!
YOU ARE MY IDOL! THANK YOU FOR BEING A TRUE WARRIOR! I’ll get right on this! Laus Deo, Cherise
could u send this to the principal of Thoreau park elementary school in parma ohio, james franko, thank you
I need an address, please