For this edition of my Weekend News, I will be diving into STEM, STEAM, College and Career Readiness and how these connect to not only education, but a top-down Washington, D. C. led agenda to make our nation a STEM one.
How I know STEM is a Top-Down Agenda for the Nation:
1) The first article I wrote exposing the PCAST (President’s Council on Advisors of Science and Technology will give you the full Report laying out how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) was to be quietly implanted in the (then) about to be released Common Core State Standards. The Report will state (in so many words) that the agenda was for a STEM nation, a STEM workforce, and we would be STEM citizens. This agenda is meant for everyone, not just students in traditional schools. If you haven’t read it: https://www.commoncorediva.com/2014/09/02/from-the-files-pcast-stem-and-common-core/
Here you will find out how STEM was embedded in your RttT funding and has been extended via education waivers:
If you would like to access the current activities of the PCAST, where STEM will certainly be a huge factor of:
https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ostp/pcast (*Note: Be sure to read their ‘Future Cities Report’ as well as the ‘Smart Cities’ Imitative from the White House.) You can access both here: “Smart Cities”: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/09/14/fact-sheet-administration-announces-new-smart-cities-initiative-help
The PCAST Future Cities: pcast_cities_report___final_3_2016
2) Further evidence was revealed here on my blog about the connections of Common Core, STEM, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math).
a) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/05/27/wybi-stem-to-steam-ties-to-common-core-pt-1/
b) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/05/28/tech-thursday-pt-2-stem-to-steams-ties-to-common-core/
c) https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/05/28/tech-thursday-pt-2-stem-to-steams-ties-to-common-core/
Where to Find the Above in the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act):
For the Data portions, as featured in my previously published article directed to those seeking school board positions: “Data (and all that goes with it), Technology, and the In Home Assessments:
Page 123; 138; Page 255; Page 363; Page 450/451; Page 463/464; Pages 485-488; Page 508; Page 630; and Pages 943/ 944.”
For a very detailed look at the Digital/Data/Transformation, see:
For some of the ways our communities will be transformed via Promise Neighborhoods which qualify as Future Cities: “Section 4624, titled “Promise Neighborhoods” specifically.” See this article for all the other information connected. It is HUGE! https://www.commoncorediva.com/2016/01/04/meet-your-new-neighbor-essa-seriously/ ”
Another of my articles will show you more on how our communities will face education transformation where you will be able to find STEM/STEAM, etc:
As featured in my previously published article about ESSA and Teacher Pay, the way in which the STEM Master Corps is involved, “Page 406 Enter the ‘STEM Master Corps’! “State-led effort to elevate the status of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teaching profession by recognizing, rewarding, attracting, and retaining outstanding science, technology, engineering, and mathematics teachers, particularly in high-need and rural schools.”
This article gives you a state specific example of the STEM overreach in education:
Visual Evidence of the Overreach of STEM/STEAM in our communities:
Here, where I live, in NC, the daily media is stepping up the STEM offerings for our community. I first showed you this effort last year, 2015 in my article titled ‘Aligned Summer’. In it you will find a short You Tube video, as well as links to check out for yourselves to see where and how STEM is being quietly implanted.
From a local charter school (click on the picture to enlarge it):
From an NC University:
From the Charlotte Observer, an entire listing of community STEM offerings:
From the Boy Scouts of America:
From the Girl Scouts of America:
From a Christian Camp near my home:
To find the camp: http://www.charlottechristian.com/page.cfm?p=981, to find the descriptions like you see above, select dates/descriptions, then choose a week.
To find out how Legos is aligned to Common Core, see: https://education.lego.com/ru-ru/lesi/elementary/lego-education-wedo/curriculum/standards-correlations
Another upcoming camp for Girls and STEAM:
If you want to know what those who implant STEAM in our schools do, read this excerpt from ‘How to Start a STEAM Program’, “The approach to STEAM varies from school to school, depending on each district’s appetite for integration. Some schools fully immerse the arts in STEM subjects, developing a full year’s STEAM curriculum to accompany
every lesson unit. Other schools pick and choose projects to integrate throughout the year.
Many schools are creating physical spaces, often called “makerspaces,” as a home base for STEAM. Similar in vibe to a lab or studio, these makerspaces are often converted storage closets or computer labs. Students can work in these makerspaces on STEAM projects independently, in small groups or with a whole class. Typical materials and devices in a makerspace run the gamut: 3D PRINTERS, LASER CUTTERS, ROBOTICS KITS, ELECTRONIC INVENTION KITS SUCH AS THOSE FROM LITTLEBITS AND MAKEY MAKEY, COMPUTERS, CRAFT SUPPLIES, HAMMERS, NAILS AND SAWS, SEWING MACHINES and FABRIC.”
For more about Little Bits and their STEAM connections, http://littlebits.cc/
For more about Makey Makey from JoyLabz and their alignment: http://blog.makeymakey.com/2014/09/24/jay-silver-stem-everywhere/
To see the entire document (where you can see how more actions are taking place for STEM/STEAM Communities), WP-littleBits–How_to_start_a_STEAM_program
Related to the very first picture above, where you see PBLS, CCSS, and STEM:
For PBLs (Project Based Learning) and their connections to STEM:
For PBLs and their connections to Common Core:
For PBLs and College/Career Readiness (which is one of the phrases used in the ESSA in place of Common Core):
http://www.p21.org/news-events/p21blog/1593-project-based-learning-and-other-college-readiness-tools- (*Note: P21, Partnership for 21st Century Learning is heavily involved in the total community makeover we are being set up for via ESSA. You can also access their views about how great STEAM in from the main page. Just look to your right hand side menu.)
For the State Level legislation embedding STEM in our lives (NC as the example):
http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/enactedlegislation/statutes/pdf/bysection/chapter_116c/gs_116c-5.pdf and http://www.ncleg.net/Sessions/2009/Bills/Senate/PDF/S1198v4.pdf
For a State Level Dept. of Education’s overall STEM plan, again with NC as the example:
STEM in the Workforce from a state level (NC is the example state):
Education and Workforce Innovation Program Legislative Report 4 30 15
The federal level of STEM in education as a law:
For the look into WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 and how it ties STEM to not only our workforce on a national level, but ties to the HEA, Higher Education Act.): https://www.commoncorediva.com/2015/07/30/tech-thursday-part-two-of-the-hea-stem-the-workforce-and-america/ (*Note: Part One is embedded in this article.)
Anti CCSS/Fed Ed Warriors, make no mistake, our nation is being STEAM rolled! Use the above information and visuals to investigate what is happening locally and state wide in your states! Don’t forget the local public libraries, the museums, after school programs, your cities parks/recreation departments, even your churches upcoming VBS programs.
Check out this 16 minute STEM Vacation Bible School held in VA back in 2014 (the website page: http://nsbepotomacriver.org/event/vacation-bible-school-nsbe-stem-initiative-workshop/)
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF-EgTDu8IE&w=560&h=315]
And ALL of this is part of Agenda 21 or now called 2030 Agenda. Designed to control how you live, where you live, where you work. TOTAL control of every human activity and in order to meet their goal they must educate a generation of children to believe in the global way of thinking and that is what we see in education today. There is evidence of this already when you look at the faces that are supporting Bernie Sanders, a Communist, for President of the United States. I believe Bernie Sanders is a test to gauge the taste for Communism in America. And sad to report I think those that are testing us are very happy with what they see. Now all they have to do is start in Pre-K for one generation and this country will fall to Communism. It is really not Sharia we should worry about. Sharia is a diversion from what is really happening. It is Communism we should be paying full attention to but just like that frog in the boiling pot of water we are falling for the warm water just as planned.
Another thought I wanted to add. Charter Schools are how they will deliver the Communist message. Charter Schools are not an American education idea. They came straight from the Communist playbook. Research Charlotte Iserbyt and Charter Schools. Lynne also provides a lot of information on Charter Schools. They were NOT implemented to give parents choice. The real agenda is totally the opposite and when they have replaced all of our traditional schools (and they will) and eliminated elected school boards (and they will) tell me what choice will you have then? You will also have absolutely no voice as parents. NONE. NADDA. GONE!!! As long as we sit in our living rooms whining about the state of affairs we find ourselves in nothing will ever change and nothing will ever end. If we want things to change WE must make things change. Your elected officials ARE NOT going to do what you want. They will do what they are told to do from DC. So the only way we will make change happen is is WE become those that make the decisions. We need to stand up and run for office starting with School Board and going right on up to DC. And when we put someone in office they get ONE change to make good. If they fail even ONCE they must be removed. I know that seems drastic but even ONE bad decision can lead to our destruction. Follow the Constitution at all times and you can never go wrong. But of course we must understand the Constitution and most “so called” experts today only know how to twist the Constitution to meet their agenda. There a few out there and we must learn who they are and seek their guidance.