To All My Anti Fed Ed Warriors, out there, I ask you the question above..
Everyone loves to attend a fair, right? Well, not everyone, I suppose. There are plenty of folks who would rather stay home than ride the ferris wheel, eat cotton candy, and, see all the local exhibits.
However, Warriors, what about a different kind of fair? Say, an international one.
Is there such a thing? Would you attend? Who would organize it, what activities would be present? How does all this impact education reform in America?
I invite you to read on to find out the answers and so much more.
Meet BIE, Your Fair Guide:
BIE (Bureau for International Expositions) would be the organization in charge of the fair, or, as they call it ‘exposition’.
(*Note: This BIE is not to be confused with the US BIE, Bureau of Indian Education within the U.S. Dept. of the Interior)
According to the BIE’s website, an ‘expo’ (aka ‘fair’ for our conversation) is, “a global event that aims at educating the public, sharing innovation, promoting progress and fostering cooperation. It is organized by a host country that invites other countries, companies, international organisations, the private sector, the civil society and the general public to participate.”
Everyone from young kids to senior citizens and from every walk of life are invited to these events.
The four main goals of these types of events are:
a) collectivism (although it referred to as ‘cooperation’); b) education (carried out through entertainment); c) showing off the host country; and, d) growing your nation’s economy. (Warriors, pause and ask yourselves this, “Where have I seen or heard this type of agenda before?”)
A quick and simple answer is the UN’s SDGs (United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals). In fact, the BIE, has a document expressly for tying in the SDGs to the Expositions. Below is a screen shot of the 2017 document’s front page.
To read the 2016 U.S. House Bill 5624, go here.
To read the 2017 U.S. House Bill 534, it’s here.
To see the BIE’s information on the US, as a member nation, that is located here.
So, What About Education Reform?
Warriors, we know several Anti Fed Ed researchers and activists have tied Dubai to the CCSS Machine. So, it isn’t surprising to find a 2013 BIE Speech (concerning the upcoming 2020 Dubai World Expo) where education was brought up 5 times.
Of those 5 times, only a couple are evidence of the global reform being carried out today, in 2018.
Here’s the first reference which should set off a few flags:
Followed by:
Warriors, just think this was back in 2013; while the US wasn’t part of the BIE. Now that the US is once again a member nation, how much of this has already been done here in America? How much of this type of alignment is currently being carried out?
(*Note, the first question I posed here is more rhetorical. We have tons of evidence as to the global education push established in the past.)
If you’d like to see more ‘education’ items from the BIE archives, simply type in ‘education’ in their general search bar on their main page.
Another Fair:
Warriors, as far as other type of fair, this past July (2017), the celebration fair outside the G20 (Group of 20) featured many celebrities pushing for global citizens, global agendas, and, using education as one of the tools by which to pull this off. I covered this information in my article, “Knot In My Backyard”. (*Note: be sure to scroll down to the comments section.)
There was an important update to the “Knot” article I published in Sept. 2017. In it you’ll find the Global Citizen scorecard and tons more information. You’ll see how NY Sen. Schumer is a global sell-out, as is Stevie Wonder (entertainer).
Warriors, these types of fairs, expos, and, celebrations will not stop. In fact, they may increase. How do we fight back? These are public domain meetings. Use that to your advantage!
We cannot win the War Vs the Core in the CCSS Machine’s territory, BUT, we CAN fight the Machine in OURS. If we ‘win’, super. If we don’t, the Machine will suffer greatly by the time we are through.

Our work as activists is FAR from over. So, let’s turn the tables. Instead of a ‘fair’ exhibiting hype, let’s exhibit truth.
Let’s have teachers and students give ‘fair’ speeches about how damaging the
globalization of their classrooms is.
Let’s have them display the CCSS curriculum and resources for all to see how unfair this education reform is for THEM.
Let’s trot out the data mining tools and show the unfair AND illegal data rape happening everyday in America for the ‘global good’.
Let’s expose the UN’s SDG takeovers in our cities and towns, too.
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