To my Anti Fed Ed Warriors, you know that I’ve shown you (repeatedly) that the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) was a word play on We the People.
“Every” doesn’t simply mean all the students in public traditional schools. It doesn’t mean all the students in public charter schools, either.
“Every” in ESSA, means ALL students in EVERY type of school. The ‘Success’ is also a dreadfully deceptive word play. “Success” in the CCSS Machine’s definition means workforce educated.
You also know I’ve shown you how the special population of student bodies, like the Native American reservation schools have been negatively impacted by the ESSA AND the CCSS Machine.
That stated, Warriors, are you aware the U.S. Dept. of Interior’s BIE (Bureau of Indian Education) is going through an entire restructuring program? Did you know it’s at taxpayer’s expense? Did you know the taxpayers were supposedly invited in to help shape the restructure? Can you guess the results?
More federal overreach in our nation’s schools via manipulated meetings.
Warriors, before I show you the latest about the BIE, let me share with you a bit from the past I’ve found out about the BIE and ESSA.
From my archives, 2016: The first researched look I took at the BIE restructuring process. Warriors, it’s important to note that Congress ordered the entire activity back in 2014.
BIE is big into WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) alignment and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) alignment (which brings in the UN, United Nations).
BIE is embedding 21st Century Community Learning Centers and using UDL (Universal Design for Learning, also UN supported).
You’ll also see how the NIEA (National Indian Education Assoc.) is tied to the CCSS Machine.
Lastly, you can find all the bold-faced words and phrases BIE is implementing in ESSA, expect the UN.
From my archives, January 2017: The massive data mining trail connecting BIE (and the U.S. Dept. of Interior) to CTE (Career Tech Education, the ‘adult version’ of CSSS), Apprenticeships, P3s (Public Private Partnerships),P-16 Education Councils (Pre-K to College). Legislation to support it all, is included.
When you look at the image below, the U.S. Dept. of Interior is below the person. (The dark orange box)

Also, from 2017, this February article shows you the specific federal level bills Congress had introduced. While you’ll see legislation to impact all our students (regardless of age), note the ones which target the Native American population in the name of ‘prosperity’ or ‘success’.
Warriors, I do not have to tell you how disrespectful all this is.
It’s criminal, alright. It’s criminal for ALL Americans!
2018’s BIE Restructure:
So, what is the ‘latest’ for the ‘restructuring’ of BIE?
Keep in mind because Congress ‘ordered’ it, it MUST happen. The GAO (Government Accounting Office) conducted a 2013 Study about the BIE and found it severely under-serving students.
The solution? Streamline upper management first. Then all else will magically follow.
Because the GAO felt it needed to happen, Congress made it so. When was all the BIE re-structuring to be finalized? Spring 2018.
Regardless of what the citizens say now, or, said then.
Speaking of citizens, the BIE held those notorious ‘stakeholder’ meetings to hear the will of the people.
According to the Dec. 2017 webinar laying out the latest moves, a total of 6 stakeholder meetings were given across (what the 2 U.S. Dept. of Interior spokesmen kept calling “Indian Country”) America.
Add to that the comment period given by the U.S. Federal Registry announcement that public feedback was needed. When was the announcement made? October 2017.
(*Note: the webinar spokesmen at 19:21 time stamp say ‘8 meetings’.)
In the announcement’s screenshot below, the yellow box, points out the BIE partnered with the CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers! {aka 1/2 owner to the CCSS copyrighted standards} (which have been re-branded several times)
According to the Dec. webinar, citizens had until mid-January to also make comments to the BIE restructuring Plan. The 2 Interior spokesmen assured the webinar participants that any comments would be carefully weighed; added into the Plan, if appropriate. However, ALL comments would be published in an easy to find resource. Warriors, I’ve yet to find those citizen comments.
What Else Was In The Webinar:
Warriors, you’ll find plenty which is ‘disrespectful’, below:
1) The U.S. Dept. of Interior spokesmen (Clint Bowers and Travis Clark) weren’t trying to ‘sell’ education reform, yet when you listen, that is precisely what happened.
2) Three documents are ‘must haves’:
a) “Dear Tribal Leader” Letter (invited the Tribal Leaders to participate in the open meetings)
b) The Federal Registry announcement (embedded above)
c) The BIE ESSA State Plan
{Warriors, let me pause here and direct you to another “Dear Tribal Leader” letter from January 2017, where you’ll see the BIE had entered into a partnership with the U.S. Dept. of HHS (Health and Human Services) to better the Tribal schools. As we know, ESSA gave major powers in education to HHS and the U.S. Dept. of Labor.}
3) During the webinar, the FISE Union, the NIEA, and, the NCAI were mentioned as key players in the BIE reform for education. Part of BIE’s reform and restructure includes cradle to career streamlining.
FISE Union stands for the Federation of Indian Service Employees (*Note: the current leader of the Union is implementing a community school pilot program. How are ‘community schools’ part of the CCSS Machine? Look here.)
NIEA is short for National Indian Education Assoc. (mentioned above)
NCAI stands for National Congress of American Indians (*Note: the NCAI is also where the Native Financial Education Coalition is housed. Among the resources used in this school related program are CCSS Machine members Aspen Institute and Khan Academy.)
The Webinar Slides:
Below, you’ll find some of the Dec. 2017 Webinar slides in screen shot form. Relevant information with time stamps are also provided:
Time stamp 24:58, The Draft includes a Vision, Mission, Core Values, Goals, and, Strategies.
27:58: Students and schools were used as footnoted material. Attendees of the ‘in person’ meetings (28:15) were not clear on the definitions of each. For BIE purposes, ‘students’ means “all students who attend schools under any BIE funding.” “Schools”, under BIE’s definition, means ‘any school receiving BIE funds of any kind for K-post-secondary education.’
Time stamp 29:26, Mission Statement explains BIE’s existence. The ‘true’ definition of the BIE is in federal regulations. (*Note: no mention of which regulations in the federal government were given for ‘transparency’.)
Time Stamp 29:49, Core Values begins. These are: Excellence, Focus, Integrity, Respect, and, Service.
While all this is pointed toward BIE employees, look at how it is a top-down, streamlined system:
“Excellence” is for ‘self assessment’; “Focus” is for being ‘student centered‘;
“Integrity” is for ‘high standards in education’; “Respect” is code for ‘collaboration’; and, “Service” is for more ‘P3 involvement in education’.
To achieve all this (31:26, a ‘customer service’ mindset is being put into place to ensure BIE schools comply with federal regulations. The biggest way this will be carried out is via ‘technical assistance’.
Warriors, ESSA has mandates for all types of federal overreach via ‘tech assisting’.
(*Note: listen between 32:20 and 32:49 for how all this is wrapped up.)
The BIE Goals (begins 33:00 time stamp). Read between the lines, as we Warriors, have to do to pick up on the CCSS Machine’s grasp. For example, Goal #1 is SEL (social emotional learning) for babies! Goal #2 is SEL for all; Goal #3 is skill based education. Goal #4 is CCR (College and Career Readiness; one of the re-brands for Common Core). Goal #5 is GRIT with a nicer sounding ring to it. Goal #6 is the collective benefits of streamlined education. (*Note: during this section you’ll find out that the BIE, had the U.S. Dept. of Education ‘assist’ in goal setting!)
At the 40:00 time stamp, you’ll hear how the teacher’s PD (Professional Development) will be embedded throughout these 6 goals. All are designed to encompass early learners, elementary students, high school students, and, everyone in post-secondary education. (*Note: ESSA was expressly clear when it mandated that ALL teachers in K-12th grades MUST be post-secondary readiness credentialed.)
Of the 6 Goals you see above, there are 22 corresponding Strategies (this begins about the 41:00 time stamp).
These 22 Strategies are:
1) Involving more early education partners
2) Making more connections between families and schools
3) More Pre-K Initiatives
4) Ensuring students are 100% well
5) Ensuring students are behaviorally healthy
6) Ensuring students are safe with their physical health
7) Recruiting Principals, Teachers, and, Staff which are qualified to carry out the previous Strategies.
8) Developing and Mentoring #7
9) Using standards based curricula
10) Using instruction aligned to standards based curricula
11) assessments
12) Being personally competent
13) Inserting Native American culture and language
14) Utilizing post-secondary readiness support and transition
15) Career tracks
16) Student engagement
17) College and University tracks
18) Self-determination in student’s education
19) Supporting Tribal Education via capacity
20) Support BIE employees
21) Make data-driven education decisions
22) Communicate and be transparent
(*Note: mixed into these 22 Strategies at the 58:27 time stamp is the statement ‘Congress wants this’. Meaning the data driven decisions.)
Warriors, as is this isn’t enough, just a few days ago, the U.S. House of Rep’s Ed and Workforce Committee held a hearing about Native American higher education. The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs also held a higher education hearing. However, I was unable to access an archive recording or statement. The same day that hearing was taking place, another one concerning the 2020 Census (where it will tie to education and schools) took place. You can access that hearing, here.
As far as ‘respecting’ the eldest citizens of this nation, I hope you can agree, that what the CCSS Machine is churning out is simply another insult in a long line of insulting federal overreaches. This isn’t about education, it’s about assimilation.
The correct link for the Senate’s Census 2020 hearing is: