Anti Fed Ed Warriors, it’s “Made in America” week, as proclaimed by the President of the USA. It’s also an opportunity to trot out every supposed positive move about job creation, the booming economy, and, innovation. The agenda supporting ALL of these 3 things?
Workforce aligned education!
Workforce aligned education is something the President has gone out of his way to not only continue, but increase its power. Something VERY unconstitutional, too.
Warriors, as we know, the President is not the only DC official to fully back workforce aligned education. Congress LOVES it. The CCSS Machine loves it, too.
Educrats and corporate sell-outs all across our nation, from BOTH major political parties openly embrace workforce aligned education. If you don’t believe me, read the evidence, here.
As we also know, workforce aligned education has been re-branded about as many times as “Common Core State Standards” has been. Workforce aligned education is CTE: Career Tech Education; STEM/STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, (the Arts), and, Math; CCR: College and Career Readiness: PL: Personalized Learning; CBE/OBE: Competency Based Education aka Outcome Based Education, and whatever apprenticeship/internship or workstudy program your State has attached to all of these above.
Why or how? The federal overreaches between the U.S. Dept. of Labor and U.S. Dept. of Education. The workforce based alignment includes data mining, data tracking for life, assessments which pigeon-hole students of all ages and school choices for work/career tracks.These are also known by Career Clusters/Career Pathways, and Lifelong Learning.
The root of ALL of the workforce based/aligned education is the UN, United Nations.
Especially through their SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals.
The support for the root of workforce aligned education, in America, is ‘off the charts’.
From one of my “Prudence Files” articles, the green denotes workforce ties.
This means the agenda, is also ‘off the charts’. What’s worse, Warriors, is this will be a driving force behind our upcoming elections in 2020.* Agenda dressed up as success is really a national failure. (*Note: the link above is Part 5 of my Prudence Files series, detailing all the Presidential candidates. You can easily access Parts 1-4, from this article as well.)
Warriors, again, green denotes the workforce alignment support.
So, if you are celebrating the supposed good news about “Made in America” week, stop and consider what it is you are allowing to be carried out. Think about what it is you are really endorsing. Then, look at your children, your grandchildren, your young neighbors, and, little ones you meet around town. Look them in the eye and let them know that “Made in America” is really indentured servitude.
*Note: if you are upset by this article, I invite you to join me to fight back. This doesn’t have to be our children’s future. If we continue to cheer on the agenda, that’s exactly what we’ll get. If we wish to remain a free country, we’ll fight with tenacity.

Warriors, I am but a mere messenger, I did not create this agenda, nor do I support its existence. As you know, I’ve held ANY political figure or political wannabe to a critical standard, as is our citizenship duty. Regardless of political party, this agenda is thriving.
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