Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we know there are continued links between ‘federally led education’ and globally led education. We also know these ties which lie between education and our communities are deeply embedded. To that end, I’m using ‘global, smobal’. The “global” is self defining. The “smobal”? My take on ‘small town gone global’.
The manifestations of these ties are easily found in the UN’s (United Nations’s) SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), as well as the American laws:
WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014), ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015), HEA (Higher Education Act, currently being re-written), and any other law which combines any of the above.
Thanks to many Anti Fed Ed Warriors and many other Anti Global Education Warriors, we’ve been able to see what programs are being used to breed so much collectivism. As we know, the UN’s SDGs use education as the single most important ‘change agent’ to infiltrate our towns and cities. (Source for image below)
What do some of the activities look (or sound) like to bring the UN’s desired alignments to fruition? I have a few examples below:
Global, Smobal: Part One:
Warriors, recently I was in Georgia attending to family business. While helping out, I found myself in a doctor’s office where I picked up a local magazine. The magazine was all about the arts and culture of the area. As I was thumbing through the pages, I stumbled upon an article about a county at the opposite end of the State, where the citizens are finding Career Clusters as a great unifier for them.
One of the reasons this particular magazine was featuring the far away county? Since it appears to be such a great success in one rural area of Georgia, it can be an equal success somewhere very similar in another part of Georgia.
See how the local magazine’s writer ‘sold’ the Career Clusters Pathway alignment:
(Source for the article, see page 99 and those immediately following)
To learn about the Georgia county featured, go here. Notice on Page 6, the amount of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) aligned workforce education, as well as those ‘wonderful’ Career Clusters. Note that the County’s schools are charter ones. Notice among the community unifying buildings is a new innovative amphitheater. By sheer coincidence, the area I was visiting had just completed their new amphitheater.
Global Smobal, Part Two:
Also, in the same magazine, another article about a multi state effort to join businesses and education. This effort is geared more for adults than the previous article, where students are the main focus. To find that article, go to page 93 and those immediately following. Below, is a screen shot of one of the pages:
If you’d like to learn about the STEMIE Coalition, (STEMIE stands for ‘Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math linked to Invention and Entrepreneurship’)
STEMIE is based in CT with leaders in CA, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, MA, NH, OH, OK, SC, TN, and TX).
It was the AL based Champion Network (link is in the above screen shot) which helped STEMIE Coalition get started. Visit STEMIE.
Warriors, the ‘global smobal’ here that this new type of business and education collaboration is a direct product of STEM. The purpose of the ‘teamwork’? Redefining how communities work.
Below is a screen shot of the early 2000s Tool Kit education-for-sd-tool-kit-fully-highlighted-1.
(*Note: this article is just one where I give you more context for the Tool Kit.)
As we know, STEM is a UN directive contained within the SDGs. The redefining of our communities? That’s straight out of the SDG Tool Kit. How does STEM tie to the Career Clusters? Read the ‘research’ behind STEMIE. The free K-12th grade curriculum for STEMIE? Aligned to the Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards and, is based off the PAST Foundation’s framework for education.
PAST Foundation is based in OH, but is an international group devoted to project based learning combining STEM and anthropology to prepare for 21st Century careers. PAST’s public private partnerships are what make this twist on STEM ‘work’. Warriors, as we know, the increase of P3s (public private partnerships) was a mandate of ESSA, the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Global Smobal #3:
April 21st, 2018, my local town newsletter is advertising the Global Youth Service Day. According to the town’s information, this workday is the only one devoted to children (ages 6 to 18). What type of projects will be completed? Local service projects to benefit the collective community.
If you want to see how sold out to the UN’s SDGs the YSA (Youth Servicing America) is, look below:
Warriors, if you access @YouthSDGs (Twitter), you’ll find a tweet where the 17 Sustainable Development Goals reveal 169 targets throughout them. You’ll also find how targeted our youth are to achieve the collectivism of it all.
Remember, these are woven into education across America! Regardless of where you go to school.
More Global, Less Local:
Warriors, look below at this screen shot of the March 2018 ISO Technical Committee for Asset Management Systems Report on attaining the SDGs through good management of your organization’s assets. For our context, think your city budget and city employees:
As if high-jacking the city budget isn’t bad enough, check out the SDG 2030 Board Game you can use to teach your kids! (*Note: you will be asked to register to download the game, board, dice pattern, and, questions. They will appear on your computer has zip files.)
Warriors, in what other ways are your businesses, towns and schools working together in these types of ways? What about the rural Americans? How are they being encircled? Look around you, my friends!
Warriors, if you haven’t seen the connection of all the UN/SDGs and STEM to your country’s demise at the hands of the CCSS Machine, I hope this article has helped shed some light on the dastardly wicked deceptions going on in education. We are well on our way to being that ‘STEM nation with a STEM people for a STEM economy with STEM jobs’ for a global good which was inserted in America during the previous administration. Presently, no stopping this global dagger which pierces our hearts has been given by the current administration.
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