Tech Thursday: Technically Speaking for CCSS

Tech Thursdays

Last night, I had the honor of speaking out against Common Core and the ‘CCSS Machine’ as I call it. In today’s “Tech Thursday”, I will share the details so you discover for yourselves, just how broadly the all-encompassing education reform (illegally based) has progressed.


Technically Speaking, A Bit if Background:

When I was invited to join last night’s phone call, I asked my hostess what the topic was to be so I could prepare. The topic, she said, would be to tie in how the most recent shooting in OR,  not only Common Core, but the overall mental damage our educational system has wrought upon our schools. My part of the conversation was to see where Common Core, communities, mental health, and gun control intersected.

My first connection between all of the above came with my “Project Aware” article (published in Dec. 2014) In that article, you can find how much gun control plays into Project Aware. It ties the SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Heath Services Administration) to the President’s gun control policies presented to America just after the Sandy Hook School shootings. The Report details how much data mining throughout your communities will be carried out by Local Education Agencies(LEAs)and SEAs (State Educational Agencies), it will reveal how teachers are to become mental health minions; how any other adult involved in education will also become aligned. Access to this article:
To see just how aligned your school counselors (one of those ‘other; educational personnel included in the alignment, see my article: (*NOTE: this article reveals another Presidential initiative being carried out in the name of educational alignment to the CCSS Machine.)

To access the Presidential Report from 2013, be sure to click on the embedded link ion the “Project Aware” article.

Bottom line technical detail: With this much effort (trust me, this is just a glimpse) put into aligning our educational leaders to the overall CCSS agenda, it’s no wonder education is in trouble. CCSS is breeding compliance.


Technically speaking, The Mental Health:

Okay, so we have the foundation, which is ‘compliance’. We all know that to be compliant, our thinking, our beliefs have to undergo big transformations. Our mental health plays into the CCSS Machine’s agenda beautifully. Think of all the research my fellow anti CCSS warriors have produced, especially Anita Hoge. This article should be of great help to you:
(*NOTE: In this article she shares how the upcoming re-authorizations of the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) will advance the mental health power grab of our students.

That’s not the only source available to you as anti CCSS warriors. However. let’s move on to more technically speaking aspects of the mental health moves being made.

While getting my resources together for last night’s call, I was on Twitter about the time Bill Gates’ big educational speech was on. I was still sharing anti CCSS information with everyone, when I noticed some of the tweets and retweets surrounding this ‘big’ speech. Ones like below:
Mrs. Gates was sharing with all how social issues/social, emotional learning are just as vital to education & its reformation. The Ed & Workforce Democrats were stating early childhood is their focus at the moment because, as early as 9 months old, achievement gaps can be found! Head Start joined in the Gates speech with the words of we don’t enroll just the child, we enroll the family; citywide data collection and data sharing and using Detroit as a shining example. So, this got my attention. What else has Head Start done in the name of educational reform? Below is just one of the things I discovered:

Early Childhood Development Training and Technical Assistant Centers
Early Childhood Development Training and Technical Assistant Centers

What you see above is a program already in place for birth to 13 years of age! If you aren’t familiar with Head Start, it’s part of the U. S. Dept of Health and Human Services (one of the 3 main federal level departments involved in aligning education. Working with HHS are the U. S. Depts of Education and Labor) What this image shows us is another top down (federal to state to local) overreach. It shows us where our tax dollars are being used. It shows us how communities are being aligned right under our noses. If you look deep enough into these new centers, you can find pro CCSS funding groups like WestED; you can find international digital and data collectors like ICF International (where one of the main education consultants is a pro CCSS contributor*) You can also find the CCSS/CTE aligned Zero to Three program involved. How do I know the Zero to Three is pro CCSS/CTE? In my research. Here’s the original article I wrote:  From this article, you can learn how Head Start, Bill Gates, Jeb Bush, and others are backing education reform to impact our youngest students. The American Association of Pediatrics is even helping out! You’ll also learn how the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) is involved for the purpose of total community alignment.

To learn more about the Head Start Centers,
To learn about ICF Intertnational‘s education consultant,
To see how connected to CCSS WestED is,
To see the community alignment where P21 is contributing to all this,

Bottom line technical detail: When you look at the language of the Student Success Act (HR5), the Every Child Achieves Act (S1177), and the upcoming bills which will impact higher education, mental health is most definitely being used against us with the goal of re-ordering how we feel, think, and, what we believe. 


Technically Speaking, CCSS and Gun Control:

You have a foundation of compliance, a layer of mental health re-ordering for all involved, so where do the guns factor in? Think about all we’ve heard and seen in the homework examples where our Constitution is re-written. Consider the other social issues which have crept into our classrooms with rapid speed. Gun control is definitely in the mix. Here is the evidence of CCSS aligned lessons concerning guns.


To see this resource for yourselves,
One noteworthy thing, the first ‘guided question’ doesn’t refer to the U. S. Constitution, instead, ‘rules and guidelines created over 200 years ago’.

Are there other resources for CCSS and the Second Amendment? Sure there are. Just conduct a general internet search for ‘Common Core gun control’ or “CCSS gun control”.
Think about how distorted CCSS is making every subject it touches. Consider that while the CCSS in our lives is illegally based (breaches the 10th Amendment, breaks at least educational laws), we’re seeing policies watered down, legislation created to support the CCSS Machine..not end it!

Bottom line technical detail: CCSS, by reshaping what is taught, what is to be believed, is killing our schools. It’s rendering them as workforce training centers, not academic learning centers. I urge you to look further into the mental health parts of the CCSS Machine’s agenda. Research Anita’s work, find Robin Eubanks‘ writing; listen to Charlotte Iserbyt, use the Women on the Wall calls, like last week’s: (*Note: as soon as last night’s call is posted, I will be sure to add it in the comments section of this article)

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