Anti Fed Ed Warriors, have many times have we heard that ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) will REDUCE testing?! How many times will it take (via research) to prove this is a LIE?! Recently, the State of Utah was awoken to the fact that ‘opting out of the high stakes’ testing cannot happen. Fellow anti Fed Ed Warrior, Autumn Cook gives you the full blow-by-blow account.
I truly hope Utah will step up and sue the U.S. Dept. of Education, as well as all the involved in violating our student’s privacy rights.
Surprised? We shouldn’t be. When ESSA was first being combed over (before it became law), the mandate for a strict 95% testing rate, was largely scoffed at and dismissed. Despite warnings and proof of this, millions have been banking on the lies about ESSA. Even in 2018, we are seeing ‘opt-out guides’.
Presto, Chango?!:
Warriors, ESSA is clear: opting out will not be possible. Testing, not only will remain, BUT must INCREASE! How? Those daily assessments via computer based learning!
The ties to the student/teacher data rape will INCREASE (did you know ESSA’s mandates include that ALL current assessments/tests not only must communicate well with the past 3 years of data, BUT, they also must either match OR be similar to what assessments/tests your neighboring States use!
(Below, is a screen shot from 2015 about the massive amounts of teacher data rape. ESSA will ‘harvest’ even more and hold schools ‘hostage’!)
I’ve been contacted by a few parents who are discovering that because of ESSA’s language and the mandates, those tests their children WERE able to opt-out of, are now being held against them. How? By not taking ‘x’ number of tests, the holes in the SLDS (Student Longitudinal Data System) cannot be filled with anything else. Too many holes in the data means no graduation!
We have to STOP believing the CCSS Machine, Warriors! Take the time to access my entire set of ESSA/assessment articles. In these you’ll see just how heavy handed the federal government will be when it comes to ALL school choices (even homeschooling) and their testing. (*Note: this plays right into the Gates plan that all ‘assessments will drive the curriculum’.)

Back in 2016, I showed you the ways in which ‘education technology’ was ramping up for students, teachers, and entire communities. Digital Promise is another way, too.
Not Just Utah:
While the article from Utah which Autumn wrote exposes quite a bit, NC’s State Superintendent of Education, Mark Johnson has been ‘busy’ producing testing ‘changes’ for students. (Here’s the link, but be sure to read the line where it states the laptops can do more than monitor kids.)
While this sounds great and appears to back up the NC Teacher Survey (where teachers do express they know the students are tested too much), we need to look VERY CLOSELY at the ‘changes’. Why? They are smoke and mirror changes! To learn more about the MClass/Amplify activities in NC (and where to look in your State), go here.
“Innovation” Is A CCSS Machine Buzzword:
Warriors, we’ve seen ESSA embed ‘innovation’ in its mandates. Research has proven ‘innovation’ in education is not all sunshine and roses.
“Innovation” means technology increases. The increases mean infrastructure changes to beef up internet access. Innovation means textbooks disappear and constant data tracking happens. Innovation has to be in place for the data to be collected and sold.
“Innovation” also uses another CCSS Machine fallacy filled phrase: “personalized learning” or PL. PL is a huge data raper.
Look what student/teacher student group Johnson’s ‘reduction’ targets: the littlest learners! Warriors, NC is NOT alone in this alignment/assault of our children!! Look back at Utah’s case, the student data rape will continue via the not being able to opt out.
Remember, Warriors, the biggest smoke and mirror move across America, thanks to ESSA is the amount of end of grade or course testing MAY decrease, BUT the daily ASSESSMENTS and TRACKING increase!
Innovation forces a managed system for economics. Sure, one of the by-products of innovation CAN be ‘learning’, but education is NOT the reason ‘innovation’ is happening in our school districts. It IS what is being shoved on us. It’s also being sold to us as the only way to prepare students for the 21st Century.
Data not only means economic gain, it means control. Think about it, control the education, you control the schools.
Below, I’ve created a chart to illustrate the distinct likenesses of data rape and its physical equal. It isn’t pretty, but we MUST face the stark truth. (Read more about the federal government’s data rape plans, here.)
Warriors, the bottom line is this: innovation will not be our education’s true friend. It’s a change, alright, but it’s setting up changes we really MUST beware.
Innovation via technology which data rapes us ALL is popping up everywhere across America. My fellow researcher and whistle-blower, Patrick Wood has shown us how our privacy is assaulted via the Smart Meters. Think how this connects to your school issued technology device used at home. Not only are Johnny and Suzy tracked, but the entire family is. ESSA included THAT, too in its mandates.
FY 2019 will have scads of data raping programs.
Remember, data isn’t simply a way to make big bucks off our private information, it’s control. It’s manipulation and it’s criminal.
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