Anti Fed Ed Warriors, for today’s article, I’ve got odds and ends to share. Each ‘odd and end’ is somehow connected to the CCSS Machine.
Think of it as you are cleaning out your closet. You know you’ve had the items for awhile. You know you’ve meant to pay attention to them before now. I must confess, the last time I let items pile up in the closet was July 2018.
Let the ‘cleaning’ begin!
Odds/Ends #1:
Proposed IRS changes will mean those education vouchers (or Education Savings Accounts) will mean more interference AND CCSS Machine alignment by P3s (public private partnerships). How this ties to the current ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) mandates? More P3s in education; creating money trails which follow children and set up data raping files. If you missed how or why Education Savings Accounts are actually a toxic move, read my archived research.
The ‘starch in our underwear’ for this Odds/Ends is that the vouchers/education savings accounts are a trap. They promise ‘school choice’ which ESSA cannot deliver upon! Why? ESSA mandated that all education be the same in content: post-secondary readiness.
Also, think about it Warriors, if it is to be truly YOUR choice of where you money goes, why do you need (or want) the government’s strings? You do NOT need their permission to make a choice when it comes to your children.
Warriors, you actually can weigh in on this. All public comments must be submitted to the federal government by October 11, 2018. The public hearing for the IRS changes will take place November 5, 2018.
(*Note: even some groups which are part of the CCSS Machine are protesting these changes.)
Odds/Ends #2:
Borderless Teaching Academy is a small on-line community geared for homeschoolers. Especially those in K-2nd grade. I saw a Facebook ad for them one day last week. While I had my suspicions, I knew looking a bit closer at the new ‘school’ would be in order.
Warriors, I’m sure you can spot the ‘stain’ of the CCSS Machine right away! Now what’s a bit disappointing for me, is the ad on Facebook simply said the ‘school’ was a community of homeschooling parents.
Sadly, as I looked around the website, I saw lesson plans for sale. In my mind, that’s not so much a community, as it is consumerism.
If you look at the founder for Borderless, you’ll see lots of traditional school class time and instruction.
When you click on the block where you see the CCSS logo, you’ll be taken to a page for Kindergarten lessons. Be sure to look, though. Read how this teacher wants you to teach Kindergarten.
Lessons are for sale, sight unseen. (*Note: while the page says for Kindergarten, the web address simply says ‘skills’.)
Warriors, if you missed my look at how ESSA is harming our earliest learners, please go back and read it. Then, compare those leads to what you are seeing in 2018. If you believe homeschools are safe from ESSA, please refer to this.
Odds/Ends #3:
EdReports.Org, this was another lead to look further into. According to the information in the advertisement, all you need to help improve K-12 education, is passion and access to ‘high quality instructional materials’. Your ‘job’? Content reviewers for ELA (English Language Arts). Sounds kind of loaded, doesn’t it?!
Warriors, according to their 2017 Organizational Report, they are a non-profit with free resources for schools, districts, and are designed for education by educators.
That said, the measuring for standards based education is STILL there. The CCSS Machine is still visible, too. How? In the Mission Statement you’ll ‘rigorous’ and ‘college career readiness standards’. You’ll also see the claim that the CCSS aligned resources aren’t easy to spot, so these experts can help point you to them.
Warriors, to be honest not a lot of changes to have happened since I first exposed them in 2015. Their tie to the CCSS Machine (besides what is already showing?): The Annenberg Foundation.
Odds/Ends #4:
GSG Impact Summit 2018 was something I was sent on Twitter. The image was one which smacks of the CCSS Machine’s agenda not only for education, but globalism.
So, what ‘tipping point’?According to the description for this Summit, these global investors want force such changes in our world that by 2020, it’s all about to tip their way. Read their agenda here. So why should we as education Warriors, be concerned with this type of investment meeting? Social impact in today’s world means social justice. Social justice is a UN led activity and is laced throughout every Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs). These Goals are embedded in American education. Impact investing involves P3s (public private partnerships). Impact investing brings bitcoins and blockchains (massive data raping systems).
Is education involved? You bet. Are there CCSS Machine member groups involved? Bingo! Among partners (some will be speaking) are the Ford Foundation, the Dell Foundation, USAID (a US government entity), the United Nations (UN’s) Social Impact Fund, and more. The entire list is here.
As far as other speakers who are HUGE in not only undermining education, but our nation? The Rockefeller Foundation, former Vice President Al Gore, Soros Economic Fund, The Brookings Institute, Harvard University, Merrill Lynch, MacArthur Foundation, and Prudential Finance. The complete list of speakers can be found here.
(*Note:My fellow Warrior, Alison Hawver McDowell has an archived article on one of the speakers, Sir Ronald Cohen. You’ll definitely want to read how his impact investing is sizing up America.)
If you missed my recent in-depth look at the American involvement is Middle Eastern testing, find that here.
Odds/Ends #5:
Warriors, this ‘too good to be true’ job is exactly that. Based in China, hiring Americans and based on the CCSS Machine education. If you look closely at the screen shot below, look at the perks: flexible hours/part-time and the big bucks you could make. According to the website, $14-22 per hour is possible. That’s tempting to many Americans. I’ve even had college students attempt to sign up, until they realized they’d be teaching CCSS English. No amount of money was worth that to them.
In this teacher video, listen to how much is revealed, as far as the ‘behind the scene’ items.
Warriors, teachers are called ‘affiliates’ and you can earn almost $200.00 per person the more affiliates you get to sign up. (*Note: find that on the ‘affiliates’ page from the website embedded above the screen shot.)
Look below at this screen shot. See the CCSS Machine at work?
Warriors, did you know that the CCSS Machine member group Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) is the curriculum partner for VIPKids?
To learn more about the proficiency based English which prepares students for ‘lifelong learning’, visit their page.
Odds/Ends #6:
Purdue University Global has recently begun advertising on the radio, on TV, and elsewhere. While I don’t have the script memorized it’s the standard ‘learn anywhere, anytime’ kind of hype. You’ll also hear something about faster degrees and lower costs.
Warriors, Purdue University is no stranger to the CCSS Machine. Back in May 2018, I showed you how the University was partnering with IN high schools to expressly pump up the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) portions of the UN’s global grasp on education. In 2016, I showed you Purdue’s work in creating technology which has become our student’s nannies.
So, knowing all this, it’s no surprise that Purdue is offering ‘global university’. But, what IS a ‘global university’? Well, first off, it’s accredited by the (HLC) Higher Learning Commission. Second, all the courses are on-line and there are 180 to choose from.
(*Note: If you’ve been seeing or hearing a lot of Western Governor’s University ads, as I know in NC, they now have a ‘branch’, WGU is also tied to the HLC. The difference between Purdue and Western’s ads is Western only offers a few tracks for faster degrees. WGU was also featured in the embedded article above.)
While Purdue University Global tells you there are corporate partners in education (website), they are not stating which corporations are involved. You have to request that information. However, I did find that back in 2014, Purdue was recognized for University Industry Partnerships. Purdue is also globally known for STEM. If you’d like to learn about the Purdue University’s Corporate and Global Office, visit here. (*Note: the Ford Motor Company is a corporate partner. Ford is HUGE in the CCSS Machine.)

Well, Warriors, there you have it. The top Odds and Ends from my ‘closet’. I do have a few more items, but those will need to wait until I can dig a bit deeper. We’re finally in October 2018. May we stand firm and strong in our War Vs the Educratic Takeover.
On a totally unrelated note, I hope you have heard by now that one of our fiercest Anti Common Core Warriors, Angela D. Weinzinger(California) has passed away. Her spirit and dedication to our children across the nation was always strong. Her fight against the CCSS Machine spurred many people on. Personally, Angela and I didn’t always agree, but I valued our differences. It made us better Warriors. If you would like to help contribute to the family Angela leaves behind, please visit the GoFundMe page set up for her.
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