Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I know many of you will be getting ready for celebrating Thanksgiving, as I will be. However, before we all eat too much, I wanted to leave you with some things to ponder.
You see a question in the article’s title. Look below and you’ll see another one to ponder.
Warriors, as we’ve seen time and time again from the CCSS Machine and its educratic overreaches that modern education is not about the academics, or even the true critical thinking; it’s about confining a student’s life to a predisposed track based on a workforce skills assessment. So imagine my non-surprise when I received an e-mail from the NC DPI (Dept. of Public Instruction)
Warriors, you really should see the rest of the education related compromises. While this IS a NC Legislative Budget supposedly for public education, it crosses the lines into private education and home education by using STEM, CTE, College and Career Promise, and more. In the academic year 2018-19, funds for the Coding Grant Program will double to $800,000.00.
What if you don’t live in NC? Well, Warriors, as we’ve learned from experience, when it’s connected to the CCSS Machine, it will be in ALL the States, Territories, and military bases contained within American power.
Lies From NC:
Warriors, below is a screen shot of an interactive NC DPI Career Pathway map. Here’s the link to the map. Be sure to refresh the page to find out whatever information you’d like most to see.
While NC’s not a PARCC State, I did find this evidence of the International Morse Code inserted into 4th Grade Common Core Standards.
About Lumos:
Lumos is located in NJ. It’s also knee-deep in 21st Century skill based learning.
To see what I’ve previously shared (2015) with you about ACT’s Aspire, go here.
To see how Aspire is part of ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) mandates, go here.
Lumos Learning has quite a few resources where they help States with Title One funding, where they are sounding off about Pres. Trump’s impact on education, and more. Lumos Learning is a division of Lumos Information Services, LLC. I found plenty of YouTube videos for Lumos Information Services, LLC. I also tried to locate the CEO, the Board of Directors, and other related information, but very little success was had.
Back to NC’s Coding Grant Program:
Warriors, what you see above is from the NC DPI’s document about the nuts and bolts behind the Coding Grant Program. Also in this document is that fact the entire Program gets off the ground in the Spring of 2018. The ‘winning schools’ will be judged on a 100 point scale as to how aligned their coding programs/partnerships are. Below, is just a portion of the judging (grading):
To see the entire 9 page document: coding-and-mobile-app-grant-application
Warriors, this, of course brings about several questions.
1) What federal funds will these private coding partners receive, if any?
2) What State tax breaks will these coding partners receive?
3) What about any un-funded portions of the coding programs in schools. Will the taxpayers be expected to pick up the tab?
4) What happens if any of these schools are graded as failing?
5) What about the private schools and homeschool students utilizing NC DPI’s Virtual Public School or are involved in any early college/career programs?
Related Resources:
1) My article on the National Career Pathways Network.
2) My article from 2015 showing you CAPS from KS is still tied to the Career Pathways.
3) The ALA (American Library Assoc.) is giving $500,000.00 in coding grants. The sponsor? Google.
4) When I searched for ‘National Coding Grants’, the National Endowment of the Humanities surfaced. They sold out to the CCSS Machine long ago. Since the NEH receives federal funding, think about this: coding means technology, innovation, and, computers. Which translates to data. Data needs to be collected and studied. We also know how data collection has turned into a massive nightmare for our freedoms and privacy. We also know that the federal government is making bold steps (no matter how illegally based they are) to create MORE data mining. All this data will need deciphers. How awful it is that our students education will train them for such ill purposes. Sadly, the NEH is not alone when it comes to federally funded grants for coding or anything related.
5) When I searched for ‘STEM Coding Grants’, the first resource which popped up was the U.S. Dept. of Ed’s Office of Innovation and Improvement. Below is the screen shot of the interactive map for all the innovation (will include Race to the Top, and much more) from FY 2009 to FY 2017.
6) To access the “STEM 2026: A Vision” from the U.S. Dept. of Education, visit the highlighted phrase.
What you see is that coding is tied to Google, United Way, and more. You’ll see what student groups are being most targeted for coding.
That brings me to ponder something else. Since ESSA was supposedly going to break down education for equality, why is the federal government working with the CCSS Machine to discriminate against students using education as the weapon?
Warriors, we know Google is hardly the lone aligner in all this coding. We also know that all this coding is meant to confine citizens.
Warriors, as I stated earlier, this is probably not the news you want to mull over during your family time. I do thank each of you for continuing to access my blog. I wish each of you a blessed time together. Look at what is going on in your State when it comes to coding or workforce based regional partners. Find out what is going on in your schools, or if your school is in the living room, look at what extra curricular activities involve anything related to any of the coding, apprenticeships, etc.

3 thoughts on “Is There A Code For Alignment?”