To My Anti Fed Ed Warriors, I hope the exposure of federal legislative bills has been helpful. I know it’s been eye opening.
While it’s taken several articles to cover them, I’d like to think I’m almost through. However, I’m not.
S 2084 “Community Partnerships in Education Act”:
Warriors, this bill (Sponsored by Sen. Whitehouse, RI) was introduced back in November 2017. It’s currently in the Senate HELP Committee. Before I get to the details of S 2084, let’s examine the Senator’s stance on education:
Warriors, the way ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) was written and passed into federal law, education took a ‘back seat’ to economic gain (for global competitiveness) AND workforce alignment. A ‘classic’ CCSS Machine move.
If you look at the many bills this Senator has either sponsored or co-sponsored, you’ll see similar CCSS Machine agenda items popping up. For example, his Museum and Library Act of 2017; his legislation connecting the federal government to Pell Grants. Then, there’s an amendment to the HEA (Higher Education Act), as well as a ‘biomedical innovation funding’ bill. “Biomedical innovation” is being factored into education more rapidly than ever. (*Note: if you are not sure how Museum and Library Grants can be tied to the CCSS Machine, go here.)
Warriors, HEA is the LAST link (law) to receive a ‘makeover’.
Leading the charge to re-write the HEA? Sen. Lamar Alexander. (Over in the House, it’s Rep. Virginia Foxx.) Both are 100% sold out to the CCSS Machine.
Reading Between The Lines:
From S 2084’s pages, Warriors, these federal strings in education:
Page 3 reveals that the Carl Perkins Act will be amended. If you’re not sure how the assessments tied to all those 21st Century Skills will be impacted by this amendment, look below. It’s the existing language from 2006:
What’s really interesting, however, Warriors, is that at the top of the page from the US Code Office, it plainly states that the “Text contains those laws in effect on March 1, 2018”.
I urge you to read this resource! You’ll see how more federal (supposedly with the States cooperation) data mining has been embedded and will INCREASE with a bill like S 2084.
Sen. Whitehouse’s S 2084 will insert more P3s in our classrooms. (P3s are public private partnerships). ESSA’s language mandated an increase in P3s in education. WHY? Because our education MUST be aligned to workforce needs. Somehow, the P3s know more about education than the teachers.
HR 4272 (Community Partnerships in Education Act)
Warriors, this Bill is also sponsored by a RI legislator (Rep. Cicilline). However, this one has several OTHER co-sponsors. By no coincidence, HR 4272 was introduced at the same time as S 2084. These 2 bills are 19 pages, have the same language, AND are being led from Rhode Island legislators.
From the press releases on Rep. Cicilline’s website, look at the ‘bragging’ that’s being done:
Warriors, this is awful! Not only do these RI elected leaders, promote this aligned agenda, they are working together to pull it off!
Cicilline’s bill increases non profits in education. Especially for CTE (Career Tech Education, the ‘adult’ workforce training portion of the CCSS Machine) AND STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math). It also seeks to add 21st Century Skills Attainment as a performance accountability portion of every State’s education plan.
Warriors, we know ESSA gave more educational power to the federal government and not the States. This is further evidence that the ESSA mandates (more P3s, more CTE, more STEM, more wrap around community alignment via after school programs, etc.) are being carried out via NEW LEGISLATION! Possible NEW laws for MORE federal level (and less, local) control.
Reading Between These Lines:
Within HR 4272, you’ll find the Bill has two purposes. The first is to insert non-profits and intermediaries into local schools. These groups will be responsible for not only planning what it taught, but carrying it out. The second is to amend the HEA.
You’ll also find that Perkins funding (used in higher education but calculated on the number of 5 to 17 years old students in each State) is going to be used to help pay for the ‘community partners’. By doing this, the door for more CTE and STEM will be mandatory.
To accomplish this type of move, the Carl Perkins CTE Act of 2006 must be amended. This will also factor in the insertion of the ’21st Century Skills’ as an accountability measure. What makes up those skills? Not educators!
“21st century skills (such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration)” (From Page 3 of HR 4272)
Data mining, assessments (you have to have those to measure how attainable 21st Century Skills are), and, professional development for CTE and STEM will come with HR 4272.
The TRIO programs currently under HEA’s governance will also be thrown into the mix. This is how HR 4272 will amend the Higher Education Act. You’ll also find the GEAR UP programs involved. The U.S. Secretary of Education will ‘encourage’ community partners to seek grants to help carry out the aligned workforce education.
Lastly, for HR 4272, the U.S. Secretary of Education will get to determine what existing education programs will be maintained AND create room for EXPANDING others.
Does this sound like LESS federal control, Warriors?!
Warriors, be sure to continue to follow the DC fools with me, next week. We’ll be looking at education for the world, cosmetology; more digital access for more student success; gender equality and mental health amendments for education; amendments for higher education to increase data mining; and, how the SBA (Small Business Administration) will be ‘updated’ to continue it’s portion of the CCSS Machine’s activity in education.
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