Know Thy Worth?

Would You Believe It Wednesday

Anti Fed Ed Warriors, we’re quickly approaching a new school year (2017-18). It’ll be another year of contention for those who are dead-set against the CCSS Machine

Over the summer, many of us have continued to chip away at the facade of how ‘local’ ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is and the true identity of the global, UN (United Nations) grasp over our federal government’s adherence to the modern education reform.

Would You Know What the Global CCSS Machine Values Are?

Warriors, did you know that the UN has ROI (Return on Investment) formulas for education? These formulas, of course will include assessements (tests), teaching, and other factors. However, it’s not the student who will come out the winner, but the businesses AND economy which will reign supreme in education. Why? Workforce based, skilled citizens. If the UN has such, we can ‘bet the bank’ the USA does, too.

Needed Background Information:

For example, back in 2014, I wrote an article about a local meeting which laid out the intersecting of the working world, politicians, and education. Oh, and, yes, the business world was represented by the State level Chamber of Commerce. Look below for a sample of what I shared then.

parentproblemTo see and read the rest of the article, go here. If you’ve not seen how the P3s (public private partnerships) influence your local education system, visit here.

Warriors, we must remember, P3s are increased in power, thanks to ESSA. Globally speaking, their power is enormously strong, as well. The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) provide the way for this across the globe.

Here, in America, a series of federally passed laws provide the way. Chief among them are: ESSA, WIOA, HEA, the STEM Act, and many more. If you missed how the P3s are running higher education as a ‘return on investment’ for the economy, check out my 2015 article where you’ll see your students on a wheel.

Also, Warriors, keep in mind, the big corporations are not the only investors in ‘education’. The SBA (Small Business Administration) is knee-deep in the alignment/investing ploy, too. These will be the more ‘local’ overreaches you see today.

Warriors, we know of plenty of American career tracking, but what about the international career tracking and/or skill based tests? Are there any? Of course!
Back in March 2017, I shared with you the ties between American and the PIAAC (Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies). This test measures our adults (and thus, teachers, education leaders) and their ‘value’ to the economy.

Your Global Worth?

So, how does all this tie to the UN’s SDGs?! Watch the short video below. It features a school leader (early 2017) explain ‘rigor’ in the global scheme of things. While I listened to this man, I heard so many words with very little meaning. (A classic tool of the CCSS Machine) This school is an American school (Ranney School in NJ. It’s an  independent school which is a UN partner school. Ranney School also is con-joined with Monmouth University as another UN partner school.

Warriors, did you catch the ‘innovation’ plugs? Did you hear the ‘what’s taught’? The Tool Kit for teaching the SDGs is full of how to teach to manipulate values, beliefs, and attitudes. (*Note, when you access the article, you can also get to the entire 142 page Tool Kit. Simply click on the phrase ‘tool kit’ in the section beginning with “From 2002..”)

How did I find out about the NJ schools and their UN partnerships? Their project is being tracked in real time by the UN itself! If you’d like to see the entire results, go here.
Be sure to look for the ‘measured outcomes’ of the project.


If you’d like to see more about this from Ranney’s media, I urge you to access it here.
If you’d like to see and learn more about the Global Citizen Signature Program which is also a part of the Ranney School, click here. Look below for a screen shot:

GCsignatureIs the Ranney School exclusive in the US as a UN partner? Hardly. It’s simply an example for this article. According to the UN’s SDG Initiative Tracking website, there are 524 other global education partnerships in progress right now. If you’d like to see them, find them here. However, remember, Warriors, education is the preferred ‘change agent’ so the alignment in education will be in ALL 17 goals for SD (Sustainable Development), not simply one.

A Big Clue:

As far as anyone’s worth in the current education takeover/reform? It’s not what you know, it’s how you work. Listen to the job forecast in the video below:

Warriors, you can access the article which is to accompany this video. You’ll want to make note of their mention of the U.S. Dept. of Labor (and others). Remember, EVERY Cabinet level agency is in on the CCSS Machine’s workforce shift. Why? As an active SDG Resolution signing country, we must shift education. Look below at the website I found on the U.S. Dept. of Labor’s website:

Find the Handbook here.

How the OCED* (Organization for Cooperation in Economic Development) rates ‘returns on investment’ in education. This 2009 Report looks at student outcomes and the cost of educating people. (*Note: OCED is a partner via the Global Compact of the UN.)

This un-dated World Bank “education return on investment” shows how education and growth for economics should be a hand-in-hand process.

UNICEF (a part of the UN), in their 2015 Report, stress a hefty return on investment via education of up to 30%.

How the USA rates ‘returns on investment’ in education can be found on the website “U.S. Global Leadership Coalition”.
The member organizations and corporations for the US GLC include some of the biggest CCSS Machine groups. Find them here.

What CCSS Machine member groups give money to the U.S. GLC? Look below for a few of them:



Back in 2016, MarketWatch’s website suggested we ‘moneyball’ education. Maybe they read ESSA better than those who voted on it. Moneyballing is exactly what will be happening more and more in American classrooms of all ages. We can also expect those bankrolling education will have many strings in the way education is conducted. Expect more of a business, not a labor of love, Warriors.

Do the better ‘thing’, the ‘smarter than the global-UN/US thing’: Don’t send your students back to school! Hug them instead, talk with them about their TRUE value and worth. It is beyond ANY amount of money!

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