Greetings, my fellow anti Fed Ed Warriors and anti Globally Led Education Warriors!
Recently, while discussing the state of American education via 2 interviews, the topic of internationally based teaching groups surfaced. I thought it might be a great time to check up and see exactly what some of the latest moves are.
Warriors, here are my archived articles exposing the American ties from teachers unions/groups to those of international status. With ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) being set into place, these ties are super important to keep up with. Why? The shift in American education is globally supported!
June 2017: global ‘data raping’ of our students
February 2017: AFT(American Federation of Teachers) and NEA’s (National Education Association’s) ties to EI (Education International). EI is a heavily tied group to the UN (United Nations), as well as the largest global teachers union.
March 2016: global overreach into home education
“Global rhetoric has preached for years that education is a right and therefore MUST be given. The only problem with this logic is what is mandated (or in this case a ‘must’) is also controlled.” (source)
Here’s a “New” One:
Warriors, unlike the groups to follow, this particular ‘new’ group was one I was able to tie to the Texas Bush family (as in two former presidents). Now, we’ve known for quite some time Jeb Bush (former Governor of Florida and currently leading FEE {Foundation for Excellence in Education}) has sold our nation out to the CCSS Machine (Common Core State Standards Machine), but we’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge his Dad’s (President George Bush (1)) selling Americans out to the NWO (New World Order), which has increased the amount of global overreach in education!
His speech from 1991, second paragraph
His video clip from 1991, promising a ‘new world order’
You might be wondering how the NWO fits into American education. Take a look at the former leader of the UN, Robert Muller.

IS it any wonder Jeb is supportive of globally led education? However, Jeb’s not the lone Bush in the CCSS Machine. I found the NAFSA: Association of International Educators (NAFSA is short for National Association of Foreign Student Advisers)
To access the NAFSA’s full biography for Mrs. Bush, go here.
If you wish to see the 2016-18 NAFSA strategy for globally aligned education in America, find the Plan here. If you’d like to learn about how NAFSA has broken American down into regions with on-going global education, be sure to check out this page.
Updates From Those Other Global-to-American Education Groups:
In no particular order, here are the updates I could find on globally led groups overreaching into American classrooms.
IREX’s TGC (Teachers Global Classrooms):
Worth over $80 million dollars, this global teachers group works in over 100 countries. Founded in 1958 as a supportive group to uphold an education co-operation between President Eisenhower (who ‘gave’ America ESEA and HEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act; Higher Education Act, respectively) and Premier Khrushchev. IREX is short for International Research & Exchanges Board. CCSS Machine member organization, Ford Foundation was among the chief funding streams and supporters of IREX. (*Note: Ford Foundation is huge in supporting the UN-led STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math) as well as the CCSS’s arm, CTE (Career Tech Education). Ford Foundation has also back the American Apprenticeship Programs created by President Obama. The AAPs are CTE/STEM/CCSS aligned.) To learn more about the IREX history, read it here. To see how connected to the UN, IREX is, read the proof here.
So how ‘global’ is IREX’s TGC? Look below:
How tied to America is IREX? The U.S. Dept. of State in only ONE of the US groups involved. (*Note: you’ll find the U.S. Dept. of State and other American groups in IREX’s history.) How involved in the CCSS Machine is the U.S. Dept. of State? Very much so! (*Note: look for the paragraph header “Enter the State” in the above link.) You’ll also need to look at the IREX tie to Fulbright Scholars/Teachers for more CCSS Machine ties.
CIES (Comparative and International Education Society):
This global group is a collection of scholars who focus on “schools, students, teachers and administrators, and on issues spanning early childhood and basic education to secondary and higher education, as well as non-formal education and life-long learning.”
This Society recently wrapped up its 2018 international conference where north and south met. (North as in USA, South as in Mexico). The topic “Re-Mapping Education”. Helping CIES was Columbia University (USA). A conference message from the 2017 CIES President was also given. The former President? A professor from Loyola University Chicago. CIES’s executive director comes from Florida International University.
Among the sponsors? Teach for All and USAID (US Agency for International Development; look for the paragraph header “USAID’s In It, Too”), big CCSS Machine member organizations. (*Note: you’ll find all this type of information in the embedded program link above.)
To access the Universal Basic Education 2011 pdf, go here.

GAML (Global Alliance to Monitor Learning):
This Alliance is completely dedicated to adhering to AND bringing to fruition the SDG (Sustainable Development Goal) #4: Global Education for All. How? It’s an arm of the UN, itself! Their latest information dates to late 2017. Access all the alignment here. If you’d like to see the latest information on how well global education (via assessments) is progressing, you’ll want to see and read the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) document using ‘social moderation’ and assessments. (*Note: from what I was able to glean, ‘social moderation’ is tied to competency and/or proficiency.)
If you’d like to see the UIS’s planned use for ‘student data rape’ information, read this.
EI (Education International):
Warriors, this is the organization I told you about which the NEA (National Education Association) and the AFT (American Federation for Teachers) have joined to support the global shift in education from real academics to workforce training.
To access the source for the screen shot above, go here.
(*Note: Both Unions were congratulated by Sen. Lamar Alexander as being key ‘players’ in getting ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, passed into law. ESSA is full of workforce training mandates/assessments in proficiency and CBE.)
Global Education Symposium (GES):
Warriors, just take a look at the obviousness of UN’s STEM presence:
Among the GES Global Partners you’ll find mental health groups, teacher development, and, more. Find out more, please! Among the US Universities which will be represented are FSU (Florida State University)and Brigham Young University (BYU).
You’ll also find Teach for All’s participation.
Okay, my followers and fellow Warriors, there you have it. The march toward globally united education is narrowing its circle around us. How much more will we take as Americans before we strike back and remove ourselves, especially our children from this assimilation to global competency when Americans could be so MUCH more?!
Please note, these groups are NOT the only globally aligned ones we should be watching. Just as we should note that our current Trump led Administration is not aiding us in stopping this tidal wave of educational doom.
You said, “our current Trump led Administration is not aiding us in stopping this tidal wave of educational doom.” spot on. In a sit down interview with Hannity During The Campaign season, Trump interviewed with Melania said the Federal Department of Education should be “pretty much eliminated.” He described the reach of government control as like “tentacles”. Big shocker that once in office, he chooses Common Core Devos as Sec of Ed.