Bamboozling The Innocent

Fib-o-Meter Friday

Anti CCSS Warriors, Anti Fed Ed Warriors, and Concerned Parents, in my last article, I spelled out for you the grab for our students who are most at-risk. For today’s I will be diving into the federal education grab for those who are among the special needs population. Maybe, by now, you know how ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) harms these students. Maybe, you would like to know more.

While ESSA is supposedly only to oversee K-12th grade education, I’ve shown you (as have others), that ESSA covers before Kindergarten and after 12th grade.

As you may also know by now, WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), ESSA, and HEA (Higher Education Act) all support each other 100%. WIOA is embedded in ESSA, so is the current form of HEA. When the NEW version of HEA is passed, it will almost without a doubt embed BOTH WIOA and ESSA.

Why? Warriors, remember, the goal for aligning education ISN’T about academics, it’s about work trained citizens. Special needs students are involved in this net of education lies, too!

ESSA’s Bamboozlement:
Page 23
of the Law tells us that the States can set ‘alternative’ education Standards for those with the most cognitive disabilities. However, on Page 25, you’ll see this:


“Technology”, “higher-order thinking skills and understanding”, ‘necessary to measure..’

From the sounds of these 3 phrases, those who wrote and endorsed ESSA were either clueless or sold out to the CCSS Machine. In reality, some special needs students will not ever be capable to attain ‘higher-order thinking skills and understanding’! Yet, this law clearly demonstrates that no exception to the mandates for ‘measuring’ and ‘technology’ use will be tolerated.

Contrast ESSA’s Page 23 with this screen shot from the U.S. Dept. of Education:


Much like the students in “Captive”, these special needs learners will not be treated with dignity or respect, but, shoved through a pipeline system.

Early ESSA Evidence:

Warriors, as you know, I’ve stated repeatedly that everything in the ESSA Final Conference Report can be found in the ESSA Final Law. I simply have used the Conference Report due to the ease of eye strain.

However, I want us to first, go back and look at where I pointed out the alignment dangers for special needs, and then see what’s happened in between time.
1) This article traces the support for national and global groups supporting ESSA (at that time what would live on to become ESSA) for special needs, especially at the post-secondary level. As we know, to have post-secondary alignment, you have to have it in place at the secondary and elementary levels, too.
2) You’ll see more CCSS Machine member organizations pushing on-line tutoring for the special needs learners in this article.

3) In 2016, just as elections were heating up, I put together a ‘need to know’ school board articles. This is part Three. It’s where I have several pages ‘called out’ in regards to all the harm ESSA had in store.

What you see below is ESSA’s Page 28. No where did I see the parents as ‘stakeholders’ included in the special needs student team.


On Page 57, use of IDEA funds are thrown in for those learning English. (*Note: you’ll also find more about this on Pages 159, 161, 162, and, 164 of ESSA):

essa57On Page 150, look at the control and data mining aspects for special needs students:
Warriors, on Page 151, you’ll find that school leaders, teachers, and related staff will be able to identify, at an early age, which students are most at-risk for not achieving literacy skills due to disabilities. I ask you, is such an important diagnosis to be turned over to educators? This type of diagnosis should be a physician’s or psychologist’s!

Related And Worth Considering:

1) What ‘alternative teacher or teacher training’ will be unleashed on the special needs students (all ages) in your State? I showed you last week how NC’s HB634 will use people from the private sector to fill teacher jobs, especially with SEL (social emotional learning) experience. While these people may possess SOME of the talents to lead, that does NOT make them a ‘teacher’. Given the experience needed by teachers for this student population, how is this the BEST for them? Also, what about the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports), the school counselors? Here, I showed you how students, including special needs are faring in ‘real time’

2)  Grants from The Gates Foundation to National Center for Learning Disabled to support the CCSS Machine’s shift in education.
a) 2016’s Grant (for expanding ESSA activities in targeted States)

b) 2015’s Grant (for ‘personalized learning’ in special needs education. AKA: technology)

3) From the National Center for Learning Disabled, their hype on personalized learning.

4) The (CEC) Center for Exceptional Children’s “Life Centered Education” curriculum. It is used by many special education teachers across America. Time mark 1:08 (video below) shows the CCSS co-relation. This curriculum is data-driven. The curriculum is based off the “School to Work” 1994 Law, according to the Teacher’s Guide. While I cannot share the Teacher’s Guide link with you (copyright infringement), I can point you to where you can access it. (*Note: click on the download button, upper right hand side of the page)

Also from the CEC, is their 2017 Annual Conference Guide. In it, you’ll find workshops for special needs on UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and many other CCSS Machine ties like CCR (College and Career Readiness), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), RtI (Response to Intervention), and more.

5) From Congress, HR 3199 (in the current session of legislation). It is to amend the HEA (Higher Education Act) for ‘better access’ for special needs students beyond high school and into colleges or trade schools. States will be submitted, yet again, to competitive grants for items like  ‘career pathway’ direction, data mining, and more.

6) From “Child Abuse in the Classroom”, a page dedicated to what some of these systems and programs for mental manipulation actually contain. (*Note: pay attention to the “Child Find” information.)





Warriors, to ‘bamboozle’ someone, you mean to confuse them. How horrible is it that the ESSA language and mandates are written to confuse these type of students who already face their own unique set of challenges? How trite of the CCSS Machine to disrespect the parents and guardians of these children in the name of ‘success’.

*Special note: since the publication of the “Captive Education” article, I’ve had new evidence surface for ‘at-risk’ students. Be sure to look out for that article!

5 thoughts on “Bamboozling The Innocent

  1. While reading the LCE Teacher’s Guide it reminds me of Home Economics classes an elective students could take to learn some of these things. This is not a new idea but it also expanded way beyond its authority. They are assuming parents are not willing or able to teach these skills to their children. Or is it the system wants to teach kids to buy they house THEY think will fit the students needs or bank with the bank THEY think the student should use or just live the way THEY say the student should live. I have no problem with an elective class teaching some of these life skills but this is total over kill and indoctrination all in an effort to make money off of the backs of our children. Business in bed with education (the government) is corporate fascism. Government and business has no right to meddle in education.

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