Warriors Against the Common Core, as you know I’ve devoted much of my research to finding where the CCSS Machine (my name for the all encompassing agenda and parts of the Common Core State Standards Initiative) is lurking in post-secondary education, as well as the other non traditional educational choices of public K-12 schools. In my last article I promised you I would reveal MORE ties between the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act, formerly Every Child Achieves Act or S1177) and the HEA (Higher Education Act). The biggest connection which I shared with you in that article was WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014).
WHY this matters: As I have stated in previously posts and publicly, NO educational choice will escape the alignment embedded in WIOA, ESSA, or HEA! ANY student seeking a post-secondary education (regardless of public colleges, universities, community colleges, for-profit (proprietary) schools, on-line courses, some Christian colleges, or some private colleges/universities) the CCSS (Common Core State Standards), CTE (Career Tech Education), CP (Career Pathways), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and, Math), STEM to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and, Math), CC (Career Clusters), and, AAI, (American Apprenticeship Initiative) will be there! These programs will not respect your natural talents or intelligences; they will not respect those with special needs. Too much misuse of Title 1, 4, and 9 funds; Perkins Funding; and other state funding formulas has already been committed to the joint union of the U.S. Departments of Education, Labor, and Health/Human Services to ignore the purposed alignment, yet, many have…especially the legislators (both on federal and state levels). We need to also consider that since the labor aspect in woven in to include anyone seeking a job, those looking for employment will also be impacted!!
If you wonder how I’ve been able to connect the CCSS Machine to higher education, please refer to my previously published articles (please note, these are just 3 of the many like them; if you would like more proof, do not hesitate to let me know, I will be happy to provide you with as much evidence as you need):
1) This one gives you a detailed history of how the U.S. Dept. of Education AND the U.S. Dept. of Labor joined forces to align a workforce based education long ago and how the CCSS Machine fits into it:
2) This one is a detailed look from this past summer (complete with page numbers and groups helping align our schools for workforce, post-secondary CCSS/CTE):
3) How the HEA fits right into the UNESCO global agenda of aligned citizens/workers. This one also shows you how the ESSA will do the same:
So, Where’s the HEA in the ESSA?
For a short answer, ties to WIOA and the HEA appear at least 168 times! How did I get this number? Since the ESSA is well over 1,000 pages, I used a keyword search of the document. I used the educractic buzzwords I’ve come to learn from the documents are the key words for CCSS/CTE, Workforce alignment. Below are my results:
Keywords of ‘Perkins Funding’ (for CTE): a total of 8 references to page numbers 38, 123, 132, 516, 677, 939, 993, and 1026.
Keywords of ‘Higher Education’: a total of 64 references to page numbers 33, 35, 137, 167, 208, 302, 304, 315, 318, 338, 372, 387, 393, 397, 402, 431, 437, 439, 460, 470, 473, 478, 594, 598, 599, 608, 611, 625, 628, 637, 639, 685, 687, 692, 694, 728, 730, 731, 780, 781, 802, 847, 848, 898, 952, 971, 972, 991, 1018, and 1043.
Keyword of ‘Career’: a total of 63 references to page numbers 33, 38, 48, 123, 132, 137, 138, 163, 165, 167, 171, 264, 265, 266, 268, 271, 273, 274, 275, 297, 318, 320, 324, 337, 338, 344, 358, 425, 428, 474, 490, 503, 516, 545, 575, 579, 600, 601, 615, 677, 684, 685, 695, 716, 726, 728, 870, 880, 892, 903, 939, and 993.
Keyword of ‘Workforce’: a total of 33 references to page numbers 33, 39, 128, 132, 165, 266, 273, 293, 325, 344, 464, 497, 509, 516, 601, 611, 659, 695, 708, 734, 813, 913, 945, 949, 1049, and 1057.
While I’m slowing working my way through each of these pages, I want you to know that I’ve been able to find out how (pages 32- 36) LEAs (local education agencies) and funding states receive will be used. Note how the funding is used, what groups are to receive it, which groups are targeted.
“(c) LOCAL USE OF FUNDS.—A local educational agency receiving an award under this section—
‘‘(1) may use not more than 1 percent of its award for outreach and communication to parents about available direct student services described in paragraph (3) in the local educational agency and State;
(2) may use not more than 2 percent of its award for administrative costs related to such direct student services;
(3) shall use the remainder of the award to pay the costs associated with one or more of the following direct student services—
(A) enrollment and participation in academic courses not otherwise available at a
student’s school, including—
(i) advanced courses; and
(ii) career and technical education
coursework that—
(I) is aligned with the challenging State academic standards; and
(II) leads to industry-recognized credentials that meet the quality criteria established by the State under section 123(a) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29
U.S.C. 3102);
(B) credit recovery and academic acceleration courses that lead to a regular high
school diploma;
(C) activities that assist students in successfully completing postsecondary level
instruction and examinations that are accepted for credit at institutions of higher education (including Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses), which may include reimbursing low-income students to cover part or all of the costs of fees for such examinations;
(D) components of a personalized learning approach, which may include high-quality
academic tutoring; and
(E) in the case of a local educational agency that does not reserve funds under
section 1111(d)(1)(D)(v), transportation to allow a student enrolled in a school identified for comprehensive support and improvement under section 1111(c)(4)(D)(i) to transfer to another public school (which may include a charter school) that has not been identified by the State under such section; and
in paying the costs associated with the direct student services described in paragraph,
(A) first, pay such costs for students who are enrolled in schools identified by the State
for comprehensive support and improvement under section 1111(c)(4)(D)(i);
(B) second, pay such costs for low-achieving students who are enrolled in schools
implementing targeted support and improvement plans under section 1111(d)(2); and
(C) with any remaining funds, pay such costs for other low-achieving students served by
the local educational agency.
(d) APPLICATION.—A local educational agency desiring to receive an award under subsection (b) shall submit an application to the State educational agency at such
time and in such manner as the State educational agency shall require. At a minimum, each application shall describe how the local educational agency will—
provide adequate outreach to ensure parents can exercise a meaningful choice of direct student services for their child’s education;
ensure parents have adequate time and information to make a meaningful choice prior to enrolling their child in a direct student service;
in the case of a local educational agency offering public school choice under this section, ensure sufficient availability of seats in the public schools the local educational agency will make available for public school choice options;
prioritize services to students who are lowest-achieving;
select providers of direct student services,
which may include one or more of—
(A) the local educational agency or other local educational agencies;
(B) community colleges or other institutions of higher education;
(C) non-public entities;
(D) community-based organizations; or
(E) in the case of high-quality academic tutoring, a variety of providers of such tutoring
that are selected and approved by the State and appear on the State’s list of such providers required under subsection (e)(2);
monitor the provision of direct student services; and
publicly report the results of direct student service providers in improving relevant student out comes in a manner that is accessible to parents.”
Warriors, if ever there is a time to let D.C. know THIS kind of alignment, abuse of our tax dollars is NOT the best for education or America, it is NOW! The Senate has yet to vote on the ESSA!! Use this kind of proof to alert them we WILL not be conformed to the CCSS Machine’s Workforce agenda!
Remember, there will be more information, proof I will share with you from the pages of the ESSA (which I have renamed for our purposes to mean “Erroneous Socialist Streamlined Agenda”) in the coming days! Remember as well that Sen. Alexander and Sen. Murray (as well as other Congress members in D.C.) have made it clear that what was laid out in the ESSA would be completed in the HEA re-authorization!
19 thoughts on “Weekend News: ESSA’s ‘Untold’ Ties to HEA”